East Dorset Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club
Release 2.19q
Welcome to...
Chicago Bridge Drive


The week 29th July - 3rd August is the annual junior tennis tournament. Therefore the following sessions will unfortunately be cancelled:

  • Tuesday 30th July - Intermediate bridge and beginners lesson - Cancelled
  • Friday 2nd August - Cut-in Chicago bridge and beginners lesson - Cancelled


Monthly Duplicate Bridge Competitions
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Monthly Duplicate Bridge Competition Evening

After a long absence, the Monthly Duplicate Bridge Competition Evening returns.

Held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month

There will be prize/s awarded for th ..........

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The East Dorset Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club – founded in 1909 – is set in a secluded five-acre site close to Poole Harbour and the renowned Sandbanks peninsula. It has a reputation for being one of the largest and friendliest clubs in the area and is solely managed by its members.

The EDLT&CC Bridge Section is equally renowned for its tea breaks! We believe that this has created an atmosphere, unique in the area, where members come to enjoy playing bridge together.

Non-members may visit the Club up to four times a year on Monday evenings or Friday afternoons and are welcome to attend any of the Bridge courses.

The Club plays Chicago and Duplicate Bridge:

  • Monday evening is for Soft Duplicate (hosts are available) - 6.30pm for a 6.45pm start - £2 table money, £3 for non-members
  • Tuesday afternoon, for improvers, is Chicago - 2pm onwards - £1 table money, £2 for non-members
  • Wednesday evening is Duplicate for pre-arranged partnerships, £2 table money - 6.30pm for a 6.45pm start.
  • Friday afternoon 2pm onwards, is cut-in Chicago but with an emphasis on tuition where players are encouraged to ask for help and guidance with their bidding and card play - £1 table money, £2 for non-members.

East Dorset Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club is registered in England no. 10465307 Registered Charity.

Contact us...

Monday Duplicate
Wednesday Duplicate
Monday Duplicate
30th July 2024
Intermediates - CANCELLED
EDLTCC 14:00
31st July 2024
Wednesday Duplicate
EDLTCC 18:45
2nd August 2024
Cut-in Chicago - CANCELLED
EDLTCC 14:00
Monday Evenings - You don't need a partner
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We've reintroduced Hosted Mondays. ..........

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