Monthly Duplicate Bridge Competition Evening
Held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month
Prize/s awarded for the winning pair/s.
Only members, no visitors allowed.
To qualify for the prize/s you and your partner will need to have played (together/individually) at least once on a regular Wednesday evening earlier that same month.
There will be a pre-bookable host available on a first-come first-served basis (Lynn Webb). If you need a partner for a particular competition evening, please speak to Lynn in the days/weeks leading up to to the competition evening, and you'll either play with Lynn, or with other people also looking for a partner. Do not turn up unannounced on a competition evening without a pre-arranged partner.
To ensure that the evenings run smoothly, to resolve any infractions or issues using the The Laws of Duplicate Bridge, and to generally improve the overall standard of play and etiquette, there will also be a non-playing director.
As with any duplicate bridge event, the winner on the evening might change as and when scoring issues are resolved in the day/s following the event. Prize/s will therefore not be awarded at the end of the evening, but at the very next opportunity.
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Monthly Duplicate Bridge Competition Evening
Held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month
Prize/s awarded for the winning pair/s.
Only members, no visitors allowed.
To qualify for the prize/s you and your ..........
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