Eckington Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Visitors and prospective new  members are welcome except on competition nights - see calendar on the right of this page for forthcoming dates.

Members if you are looking for a partner for the next week or two please contact Mary on 01684 592800 who will do her best to find someone. smiley

General Information
Electronic Disruption

Mobile phones, pagers and similar electronic devices must be Switched Off before play. Failure to do this which results in an audible call being received during play will require the player to consider a donation of £5 to the Club

Last updated : 13th May 2007 11:05 GMT
EBU Master Points

No EBU Master Points are printed by Eckington Bridge Club as all points earned at Club events (excluding Sim Pairs) are credited directly to the EBU at the end of each quarter. This procedure has been in effect from the 3rd quarter of 2005.

Last updated : 13th May 2007 11:06 GMT

The Travellers

It cannot be emphasized too much how important it is that North scores correctly and that East validates the entry.   I have personally witnessed ALL FOUR being penalised for careless entries on the Traveller – much to the detriment of one of the pairs since both have a responsibility.

Now we know all North’s are magnificent but just occasionally they lapse – perhaps traumatized by E/W’s even more magnificent play – and make a rubbish entry.    It is East who must be vigilant and have the error put right – or suffer the consequences.

Last updated : 18th May 2007 07:51 GMT

Any player may appeal for a review of a ruling made at their table by the Director.

The right to appeal the Director's ruling expires at the end of each session, before the Travellers are collated and before the Director leaves the premises. All appeals are made through the Director.

An appeal shall not be heard unless both members of the pair (except individual contest) or the captain of a team, concur in appealing.

The Appeals Committee shall comprise of 3 experienced members who have held membership of the Club for at least 4 years, who shall rule upon all appeals.   Whenever possible one of the three should be a qualified and experienced  Director.


If a hand is Passed-Out please shuffle your cards before replacing them. 

Last updated : 28th Jun 2007 11:19 GMT


When playing Dummy it is very easy to infringe the law and cause your partnership an adjusted score AND a severe reprimand from the Director.

Dummy can

Play a card when instructed by the declarer.

Ask the declarer if he has a card in the suit which he failed to follow.

Draw attention to an irregularity but only AFTER the play is concluded.

Dummy cannot  

Touch or indicate any card without instructions from the declarer.   This is particularly important and requires a strict awareness by Dummy to control their impulses.   Nor should dummy communicate anything about the play to declarer.

Call the Director.

Call attention to an irregularity during play.

Last updated : 29th Dec 2011 12:21 GMT