Release 2.19q
Logging on to Members Only pages

To access the members only items click on Member Area in the menu on the left of the home page.

Access will be denied but a window for forgotten password will pop up. Enter your email address and a temporary password will be sent to your email.

After using this to log on you can change it to one of your choosing.

Welcome to Dundee Bridge Club
Summer Charity Simultaneous Pairs - Tuesday 2nd July

The results of the Tuesday session of the Summer Charity Simultaneous Pairs, in aid of Kidney Research UK & the British Heart Foundation, can be found on the ECATS bridge website. Click here to view the results and click here to view the commentary.
Well done to Helen Wood and Earl McGregor who finish 6th overall on Tuesday evening.

♠   ♣ 

Last updated : 3rd Jul 2024 16:54 BST
Summer Cup - On BBO - Commences Wed 19th June

The Summer Cup will be played over four Wednesday evenings on BBO. Visitors are welcome to play but their scores will not count for the trophy.

It is a match pointed open pairs event to be played over four Wednesday evenings, 19th & 26th June and 3rd & 10th July 2024, 19:00 start, on BBO. To qualify for the trophy a pair must play at least three rounds.

To enter the competition, you do so, as usual, by registering on BBO up to 2 hours, before the event is due to start. The cost is 4BB$ per person.

♠   ♣ 

Last updated : 13th Jun 2024 14:35 BST
Thursday Evening Session Commencing on 6th June 2024

The Terry & John Rosebowl MP Pairs competition will be played for on Thursday evenings
Starting on 6th June 2024 @ 7pm and will run to 29th August 2024
Standby available if you have no partner
Table money (as usual) - £4
Visitors Welcome
♠   ♣ 

Last updated : 8th May 2024 15:22 BST

Dundee Bridge Club's current weekly schedule of events on BBO and at the Bridge Club is:-

  • Tuesday evening           -       19:00     -     MP Pairs                  -    24 boards - Club
  • Wednesday afternoon   -       13:00     -     Aggregate Pairs       -    24 boards - Club
  • Wednesday evening      -       19:00     -     MP Pairs                  -    24 boards - BBO
  • Thursday morning         -       10:00     -     Relaxed Bridge        -    18 boards - Club
  • Thursday morning         -       10:00     -     MP Pairs                  -    22 boards - BBO
  • Thursday evening         -       19:00     -     MP Pairs                  -    24 boards - Club
  • Friday afternoon            -      13:00      -    MP Pairs                  -    24 boards - Club

Guests are welcome to play but must advise Ross,, if playing online, of their BBO user name to allow registration

♠   ♣ 

Last updated : 2nd Jun 2024 16:48 BST
Stanley Trophy - 2024

The final round of the Stanley Trophy was played on Wednesday evening, 12th June 2024, in our virtual club on BBO. The competition result is: -

1st         Helen Wood & Earl McGregor                  56.83%
2nd        Alison Carmichael & Paul Cozens            55.78%
3rd         Liz Elsden & Bob McPaul                         52.03%

Congratulations to the winners of the Stanley Trophy and thank you to all who played.
♠   ♣ 

Last updated : 25th Jun 2024 11:23 BST
DBC Quiz Night
DBC Quiz Night

A very successful Quiz Night was held in DBC on Saturday 9 June, thoroughly enjoyed by members and their guests. Those attending included some of our longest serving members as well as our newest. Eleven teams took part, all organised by our ever-cheerful quiz master, Nicki Traynor.

After 10 rounds of questions the winning team was Quizzie Rascals containing Roddie McKenzie, Sharon, Stuart & Ailsa Cameron and Steven Funai.

Parting comments from the participants were mostly “That was good fun. When’s the next one?”

Last updated : 25th Jun 2024 11:23 BST
150 Club Winners

The Summer 150 club draw was carried out at the Bridge Club on Friday 7th June 2024. Congratulations to the winners who are: -

1st                               David Deans                                     £100

2nd                              Joan Forsyth                                     £ 50

Last updated : 25th Jun 2024 11:23 BST

As in previous years, members and learners alike are invited to attend any of the Improver sessions at £5 a time (click on the title above to open the itinerary). You are asked only to let us know through so that the Tutor can be prepared. Pay £5 a session on entry.

Any questions- ask through

Last updated : 16th Mar 2024 09:32 GMT
April Board Notes 2024

The Board Notes for April 2024 can be viewed in the Members' area by clicking on the Members' banner on the left hand side of the website and entering your password.

Last updated : 9th Apr 2024 14:15 BST


Telephone: 01382 665699.

Dundee Bridge Club is a Charity registered in Scotland No SC046937. Company Registration No: 23671 (Scotland)

Thursday Morning Pairs
Director: Joe McLuckie
Relaxed Bridge
Director: Chris Goode
Terry and John Rosebowl
Director: Matthew Robb
Wednesday Afternoon
Director: Matthew Robb
Summer Cup R3
Director: Matthew Robb
Fri 5th Jul 2024
Richard Jarvis & Jubilee
DBC 13:00
Director: Howard Greenwell
Tue 9th Jul 2024
DBC 19:00
Director: Matthew Robb
Wed 10th Jul 2024
Wednesday Afternoon
DBC 13:00
Director: Matthew Robb
Wed 10th Jul 2024
Summer Cup R4
BBO 7:00
Director: Matthew Robb
Thu 11th Jul 2024
Thursday Morning Pairs
BBO 10:00
Director: Joe McLuckie
Thu 11th Jul 2024
Relaxed Bridge
DBC 10:00
Director: Ross Herd