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23rd Sep 2024 23:10 BST
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Chicago 9th September

First Ruth and Jo 2070

Second Chris and Marlene 1490

Third Fay and Mary  940

Well done everyone.

Lovely to have five tables.

Monday 29th September

First Sally and Simon 4320 fantastic score

Second Sue and Marlene 2170 a good slam bid and made

Third Ruth and Jo 1100

Well done everyone.


Congratulations to Judith Johnson for being promoted to area master.

Tony Boddy has stepped onto the promotion ladder and has gained the rank of local master.

Well done to you both 🥳

Welcome to Dovercourt Contract Bridge Club
Zealand Cup
Zealand Cup

Last weekend the Hoek Van Holland bridge club travelled to Harwich to defend their win of last year. This as always turned out to be a lovely weekend shared with very good friends. On Saturday morning we had an exciting game of bowls at the indoor bowls club. Many of us had not tried this before and Klaas turned out to be a natural. On Saturday afternoon we played a friendly game of bridge the top English pair and overall winners were Bob and Barry the top Dutch pair was Simone and Klaas. Saturday evening we had an excellent meal at the Golf club with prizes awarded to the winners. On Sunday afternoon we met at the barge to play for the Zealand Cup. Unfortunately due to a change in the programme I was unable to put the results into a teams programme but have managed to make up a Dutch Verses English programme. The results are very, very, close England 299.16% Dutch 300.83%.

Dutch team                 English Team

N   65.83             N.     57.50

      43.33.                    53.33

      41.25.                    38.75

S    57.08.            S     53.33

      51.67.                    48.33

      41.67.                    47.92 

—————               —————

   300.83                    299.16

We all look forward to travelling to Holland in a years time.



Last updated : 6th Sep 2024 08:22 BST
Welcome to the Dovercourt Contract Bridge Club website.
Welcome to the Dovercourt Contract Bridge Club website.


The club was founded in 1959 and currently has 34 members. We meet twice a week, on Monday afternoons we play Chicago and on Thursday evenings we play Duplicate.

New members are always welcome, with or without partners.

We also have a close relationship with the Hook of Holland (Hoekse) Bridge Club. Every September we play them for the Zeeland Cup, an arrangement that has been ongoing for 37 years.  

Following the 2023 competition the Hoekse Bridge Club hold the trophy.


Last updated : 31st Oct 2023 14:55 GMT
Club Director Course

Well done to Derek and Marlene who passed the Director Course. 
This was a lot of hard work so many congratulations. 🥳

30th September 2024
3rd October 2024
Director: Martin
7th October 2024
Director: Marlene
Scorer: Martin
Director: Marlene
Scorer: Martin
Director: Marlene
Scorer: David