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  Come and join us for the 75th Anniversary

A group of keen bridge players from Chester got together in 1949 and started a bridge club, and 75 years later the club is still going strong. It was called Deva Bridge Club and we still have the same name today.

We are marking the anniversary with a game of bridge followed by a three course meal, both taking place at Chester Golf Club, Curzon Park North. The date is Saturday 7th September, 2pm for a 2:30 start. For further details and to book a place and select menu options, click here.

PS: We are keen to hear from anyone with historical information and photos on past club premises and individuals, particularly 1970s, 1960s and even 1950s - if you have such please contact David Smith (07964 979512 - 


  Ladies' and Men's Teams Match
Ladies' and Men's Teams Match

Don't forget it is time to sign up to our annual ladies vs gentlemen teams match, played for the Glyn Ellis Trophy. It takes place on Sunday 4th August, is a fun event for charity, and consists of an afternoon of bridge with a delicious high tea served at the halfway stage. For further details and to enter please click here.

Not all of us will remember Glyn Ellis. He was the club's Principal TD for over 20 years. His wife Anne (also a past Deva member and good bridge player) donated the trophy to the club back in 2011. The then committee decided that, as teams had been Glyn's favourite form of bridge, they would reinstitute the annual teams battle of the sexes.

  Cup Success

Four Deva members (David Stevenson, Liz Commins, Simon Edwards & Paddy Murphy) together with Barry Wennell & Wyn Williams won the prestigious WBU Perry Shield on Sunday 14th July. This is an inter-regional teams competition for which they were representing N Wales in the open category. Congratulations to all involved.

  Misfits triumph in Deva Teams Knockout and League

Double Congratulations go to Misfits (Frank McAleavy’s team) on winning both the Knockout and  League Division1.

They overcame a 15 point handicap to emerge victorious in the final of the knockout against 2nd division Burghers led by John Gibb. Well done to both teams.

In the league Mighty Meerkats (Annie Mead’s team) finished in a creditable 2nd place having gained promotion from the second division last year.

Division 2 was headed by Burgers (John Gibbs’ team) with Phoenix Knights (Mark Davies’ team) second. Both will be promoted to division 1 next year.

A huge welcome goes to Newby (John Bowyer’s team).  Well done on completing your first season and winning one match.

It was also good to see so many of the matches played face-to-face in the club.

Calls go out to any budding team players out there - there is space both for team replacements and for new teams.  Why not use 4th August Glynn Ellis event as a taster. 

Contact Mark Thompson (Teams Secretary) 07866112929 if you are interested.

  Monthly prizes for June

Hi everyone,


Monthly Prizes for June go to::

Monday               Jane Campion

Wednesday         Kate Beckett

Friday                   Bernard and Gill Farrell

Well done all of you.

  Jim Davies Swiss Teams

The County will be holding their annual end-of-season Swiss teams event on BBO on Friday 26th July.

For further details and to register, click here.

  Mixed Pairs

We held our annual Mixed Pairs Championship on Thursday 16 May in the club, not even a traffic jam on A55 could stop us - although we were a little late starting because of it.

We had 8 tables and played 12 2-board rounds. Congratulations to David Stevenson and Liz Cummins who were winners. Stewart Hart and Jane Campion were close behind in 2nd place with a tie for 3rd place between John Whiteoak and Alida Droppert & Joan Marray and Paul Roberts (they had to share the smallest prize!). Here are all of them being presented prizes by Sheena.

  An away weekend in Lytham

Last weekend saw 33 of us at the Bedford Hotel in Lytham having a good weekend playing bridge and enjoying excellent food. It went so well we have rebooked for next year (11/12/13 April 2025). Here are some photos. 

  EBU Sim Pairs

Wednesday afternoon's bridge session was a heat of the EBU's Spring Sim Pairs. As of 10pm Thursday 11 April, all 23 clubs have submitted results. The highest Deva pairs were:

Position out of 361 pairs Pair Overall Score (%)
16 Frank Salt and Alison Crossley 62.3
17 Mac McCarthy and Vony Gwillim 62.2
34 Chris Raymond and David Smith 59.4
35 Janet Falcon and Norma Miles 59.4

Here is a link to the overall results on the EBU's website (link to results) from where you can filter results to show Deva players and view commentary and analysis of the hands.

Wednesday Pairs
TD: Jean Stelfox
Scorer: Jean Stelfox
Tuesday Pairs
TD: Philip Waring
Scorer: Jerry Hopkins
Monday Pairs
TD: David Smith
Scorer: David Smith
Monday Funday
Friday Pairs
TD: Jerry Hopkins
Scorer: Jerry Hopkins
Friday night practice
Pupil Tournament
Teacher: Simon Anderson or Mo Borley
Wednesday Pairs
TD: Mark Thompson
Scorer: Mark Thompson
Tuesday Pairs
TD: Laurence Stone
Scorer: David King
Monday Pairs
TD: Nick Mayfield
Thu 18th July 2024
Pupil Tournament
1.15 pm
Teacher: Simon Anderson or Mo Borley
Fri 19th July 2024
Friday Pairs
1.15 pm
TD: Jeremy Bishop
Fri 19th July 2024
Philip's Advanced Bridge Workshops
7 pm
Teacher: Philip Waring
Mon 22nd July 2024
Supervised Social Play
1-4 pm
Teacher: Sheena Parker
Mon 22nd July 2024
Monday Pairs
7 pm
TD: David Smith
Host: Simon Anderson
Tue 23rd July 2024
Tuesday Pairs (EBU Sim Pairs)
TD: Laurence Stone
Wed 24th July 2024
Wednesday Pairs
1.15 pm
TD: Simon Anderson
Host: Joan Webb
Thu 25th July 2024
Pupil Tournament
1.15 pm
Teacher: Simon Anderson or Mo Borley
Fri 26th July 2024
Friday Pairs
1.15 pm
TD: Mark Thompson
Fri 26th July 2024
Philip's Advanced Bridge Workshops
7 pm
Teacher: Philip Waring