20th – 21st March
Joint Online Congress Cumbria and Norfolk, to be played on RealBridge
Rather than running them independently
Licensed by the EBU, including:
Saturday - Green Pointed Swiss Pairs
Sunday - Green-Pointed Swiss Teams
Playing 7 * 7 Board Rounds on each day, at a cost of £15 per player per day.
2021 Programme each day
11:00 – 3 * 7 Board Rounds
14:30 – 4 * 7 Board Rounds
Prize Money: - circa 20% entrance fee
Winners - Norfolk Cup.
Highest Ranking Pair below the rank of Regional Master – Norfolk Presidents Trophy
Winners – Cumbria Whitehaven Trophy
Highest Ranking Team below the rank of Regional Master – Norfolk Presidents Cup
Ascenders prize post the break (after three matches)
Green points awarded for matches won - 0.25 (0.13 for a draw)
If you don’t have team mates, but would like to play in the teams, please get in touch – we may be able to team you up.
Tournament Directors:
Gary Conrad & Ken Johnston
Enter via the website:
To enter the Swiss Pairs, please click HERE
To enter the Swiss Teams, please click HERE
Any Queries, please contact: