Release 2.19r
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5th Mar 2025 19:03 GMT
Championship Pairs
5th Mar 2025 16:52 GMT
Pro Am
5th Mar 2025 10:29 GMT
Simple Systems
5th Mar 2025 10:26 GMT
Entry Fees & Prizes
  Entry Fees
  • The standard entry fee for County Events is £5 per player.  However, this has been waivered until March 2024.  Entries are free for Cumbria & Westmorland Members
  • Inter-Club Teams of 8 is £40 per club (£5 per player). However, this has been waivered until March 2024.  Entries are free for Cumbria & Westmorland Members
  Prize Monies

NB - As entry fees have been waivered until March 2024, no prize money will be awarded during this time.

Championship Pairs

1st £30 per player, 2nd £20 per player, 3rd £10 per player

The highest placed pair, with Cumbria as their county of allegiance, who wish to enter the Corwen Trophy will have the entry fee paid and receive £30 per player expenses. Any other pairs, with Cumbria as their county of allegiance, who qualify and wish to play in the Corwen Trophy will have to pay their own entry fee but will receive £30 per player expenses.

Championship Teams    (£30 per team entry)

1st £30 per player, 2nd £20 per player

The winners, if their county of allegiance is Cumbria, will be entitled to enter the Pachabo Cup and if they enter will have their entry fee paid, plus they will be given £30 per player expenses. If the winners are not eligible or able to play in the Pachabo Cup, then a team comprising of the first and second teams may enter, the same fees and expenses will be paid.

Simple System Pairs

1st in each stratification £15 per player

Inter-Club Teams of 8

The winning club will be entitled to enter the Garden Cities Tournament and have their entry fee paid.

Simultaneous Pairs

1st £20 per player, 2nd £15 per player, 3rd £10 per player and 4th £5 per player

All Other Events

1st £15 per player, 2nd free entry to a standard event of your choice, other than the Congress or the Green Pointed Joint Weekend and any other exclusions that may apply.


As long as a player is a bona fide member of a Cumbrian club (i.e. have paid their membership subscription for the current year of competition) they can play in the Championship Pairs and Championship Teams. All other events will be Open events at which any player may compete provided they are either EBU members or members of another country’s sponsoring organisation.

Championship Teams

This competition is a straight knockout. No seeding, no zoning (unless there are at least 8+ teams entered and zoning is appropriate). The draw will be made at the AGM by Tim Matthews - or at a date and time confirmed by the Committee. A plate event will be run, for those losing their first round matches, depending on the number of total entries.

Inter Club Teams of 8

This competition will now be played online, using RealBridge, and will hopefully encourage all of our affiliated clubs to enter a team.  The winning team (or runners up if the winning team withdraw) will be offered the chance (entry fee paid for them) to play in the Garden Cities Tournament.