Cringleford Bridge Club
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Welcome to Cringleford Bridge Club

The Cringleford Bridge Club plays duplicate bridge face-to-face at the newly renovated Cringleford Pavilion*. Our play sessions are relaxed with less experienced, improving and intermediate players always welcome.

We meet every Tuesday evening from 6.30pm with play commencing promptly at 6.45pm.
The club is a member’s club with an annual £10 Subscription. Members fees are £2 per visit, Guest fees are £3 per visit.
Players must be seated by 6.30pm in order to finalise the bridge movement for the evening.
You will need to be a pair. If you would like to play at the club, but need a partner, please email in advance. Please note playing partners can't be arranged on the night.
To get in touch please email:
* Cringleford Pavilion, Cringleford Recreation Ground, Oakfields Road, Cringleford Village, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 6XF.


The following notes will tell you most of what you need to know about us:


1. Venue

The Pavilion in the Cringleford Recreation Ground at the end of Oakfields Road, Cringleford village, NR4 6XF. (3F on page 35 of the Norwich A-Z.)

2. Start Time 

We play for about three hours every Tuesday, starting by 6.45 PM. Players must be seated by 6.30pm in order to finalise the bridge movement for the evening.

3. Finishing Time

After playing typically 21 boards (hands) we usually finish before 10 PM. Rarely do we exceed this time.

4. What We Play

We play duplicate pairs bridge. Cards are shuffled, dealt, details of each hand recorded on a curtain card, and put into bidding boxes by the players at each table before play commences. Please note, we do not adhere to Law 22A. We open with 12 points or 11 and a good hand. Some members play Weak Two Openers. 

If no player at the table wishes to bid, the cards are reshuffled and re-dealt. If, after re-deal, there is still no opening bid, the hand is 'passed out'. Otherwise, we adhere to the rules in the EBU Book of Laws. We have a team of directors. They play during the session. We use bidding boxes to keep the noise level down.

5. Break (absence of!)

We have no facilities for tea or coffee-making, so play proceeds without a break (although some members bring a thermos).

6. Scoring

We use Bridgemate electronic scoring for all our sessions. The results are available at the end of the evening and will appear on this webpage. Please see links to Results.

7. Subscription and Table Money

The table money is £2 per member and £3 per guest (please see 9 below). In addition, a subscription of £10 per member falls during the first week of September each year. 

8. Playing Equipment And Furniture

As we are not the sole users of the Pavilion, we have to set out the tables, chairs and playing equipment at the start of each session and put them away again at the end. It is greatly appreciated if the able-bodied members could assist in these chores.

9.Trial Period

The first three attendances at the club are a trial period. If you decide our club is not for you (or vice versa) we can amicably part.

10. EBU

The club is not affiliated to the English Bridge union (EBU)  and do not collect EBU points. 


We think this covers most aspects of the club's practices. The atmosphere at the club is friendly and easy-going. 




Know more?
Know more?

If you would like to know more, please email our secretary Jo Nixon on:


Evening pairs
Director: Peter Short
Scorer: Bridgemate
Evening Pairs
Director: Paul Kroon
Scorer: Bridgemate
Evening Pairs
Director: Bett Davis
Scorer: Bridgemate