If you find you need a partner at
short notice contact
Rosemary 023 9226 3166
Margaret 023 9261 9152
We might be able to help.
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ Bridge Lessons ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
New to Bridge or looking for a refresher?
Our friendly club is not suitable for the absolute beginner, but we would be pleased to help you get started (or restarted?) We would suggest the following could help:
Training is available locally at 3 locations:
Drayton on Thursday mornings, Contact Janice Henderson at jhenderson6141@yahoo.co.uk
Waterlooville on Friday mornings, https://www.waterloovilleu3a.org.uk, Contact Kate Pratt at groups@waterloovilleu3a.org.uk
Havant on Monday or Tuesday mornings, https://u3asites.org.uk/havant/page/112134, contact Margaret Stanger at margaret.stanger190@gmail.com
There is also more information from U3A at https://www.bridgewebs.com/u3abridgegroup/
Otherwise, No Fear Bridge has lots of online help at https://www.nofearbridge.co.uk/
Visiting Pairs welcome - see bulletin for contacts