Release 2.19p
Address of this website

President — Mary Blundell

REMOVE: never

Your Committee

Chairman — Gavin Wilson 

Treasurer — Rowena Austin 📧


Membership —  📧

Refreshments  Julie Minards 📧

Refreshments   📧

REMOVE: never
The Director team

The Director team comprises:

  • Rowena Austin
  • John Murtagh
  • Gavin Wilson
REMOVE: never
The Scorer team

The Scoring Team comprises:

  • Gavin Wilson

Claygate now uses a wireless scoring system called BridgePal, which runs on smartphones and tablets.  Further information about BridgePal can be found here.

Common Infringements
Infringement 1: Putting the bids away before the defender has chosen her opening lead
This is a rule that varies from country to country. In the USA for example, the bids are returned to the bidding boxes as soon as the third consecutive pass is made.

But in England, in events regulated by the EBU, the following applies:

At the end of the auction the calls should remain in place until the opening lead has been faced and all explanations have been obtained, after which they should be returned to their boxes.  (WHITE 1.6.2)

It is important that declarer and dummy do not inadvertently give the impression that they are using unfair means to make it difficult for the defence to choose an opening lead.
Infringement 1: Putting the bids away before the defender has chosen her opening lead