Release 2.19p
Address of this website

President — Mary Blundell

REMOVE: never

Your Committee

Chairman — Gavin Wilson 

Treasurer — Rowena Austin 📧


Membership —  📧

Refreshments  Julie Minards 📧

Refreshments   📧

REMOVE: never
The Director team

The Director team comprises:

  • Rowena Austin
  • John Murtagh
  • Gavin Wilson
REMOVE: never
The Scorer team

The Scoring Team comprises:

  • Gavin Wilson

Claygate now uses a wireless scoring system called BridgePal, which runs on smartphones and tablets.  Further information about BridgePal can be found here.

16th April 2018




Minutes of the Meeting of the Claygate Bridge Club Committee held at 10.00 on the 16th April 2018 at Torrington Close


Chairman: Gavin Wilson (GW)
Elected Committee Members: Yvette Barton (YB), Muriel Hodder (MH), Kay Wilson (KW)
Co-opted Committee Members: none
Other Club Members: none

1. Apologies for Absence

Pauline Harris (PH), with good reason.


2. Confirmation of the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 1st February 2018

The minutes of the meeting of 1st February 2018 were agreed and signed by the Chairman.


3. To Report on the Actioning of Items from Previous Meetings

  • 17-2Ⓐ2 GW agreed to ask the council's adult education teachers for referrals. ⓓⓞⓝⓔ
  • 17-2Ⓐ4 GW to circulate the committee with details of the EBU's P2P debits of this year. ⓓⓞⓝⓔ
  • 17-3Ⓐ1 MH/PH to check, when the room hire bill from Elmbridge arrives in January, that the club was awarded two freebie evenings as a result of the first debacle. ⓓⓞⓝⓔ
  • 17-3Ⓐ11 GW to provide training to the scoring team. ⓞⓟⓔⓝ
  • 17-3Ⓐ12 GW to provide training to users. ⓓⓞⓝⓔ Three videos were created and links placed on the club website.
  • 17-3Ⓐ13 GW to provide gentle familiarisation for everyone before launching in to the big roll-out. ⓓⓞⓝⓔ
  • 18-1Ⓐ1 GW/KW to pay their 2018 subs. ⓓⓞⓝⓔ
  • 18-1Ⓐ2 GW to send an email broadcast to all members, and to put up an item on the website, about paying their 2018 subs. ⓓⓞⓝⓔ
  • 18-1Ⓐ3 PH to finalise the 2017 numbers and then forward the accounts to John McKimmie for review. ⓓⓞⓝⓔ
  • 18-1Ⓐ4 GW to place a Privacy Notice on the club's website. ⓓⓞⓝⓔ
  • 18-1Ⓐ5 GW to modify the website version of the new member application form.. ⓓⓞⓝⓔ
  • 18-1Ⓐ6 GW to modify the website version of the member renewal form. ⓓⓞⓝⓔ

4. Chairman's Report

The Club seems to be trundling along without too much upset. Table numbers, while some way off the target of 16, are OK.


5. Treasurer's Report

MH reported that the club's finances are healthy, and calculated that we had sufficient reserves to handle all foreseeable eventualities happening simultaneously. MH produced a list of members who had not yet paid their 2018-19 subscriptions.

  • 18-2Ⓐ7 MH to send GW the list of members to prod for subscriptions.

6. Electronic Scoring — Progress Report

The members' receptivity towards the handsets has been overwhelmingly positive. GW's confidence in the system has grown to the extent that we are no longer using paper travellers as back-up. The remaining big issue is organising the training of the other scorers in the behind-the-scenes activities involved, together with deciding where the equipment should be kept between sessions.


7. Director Recruitment & Retention

From the middle of the year, the Club will have just two regular directors: Rowena and GW. Nigel Barnes and John McKimmie have kindly volunteered to help out in our crisis, but the long-term problem remains. We need to attract more people to the Club who are already directors, or we must encourage some of our existing members to become directors. Or both. The problem is that there is very little in the job to attract people, unless you like bossing people around. And there is no-one at the Club who matches that description. Almost.

With no obvious solution to this critical problem, the committee will continue to examine the issue.


8. 2018-19 Calendar Card, including event scheduling

GW will send a draft of the contact page to members before taking the item to print.

The self-selecting Teams event has been re-scheduled for the 2nd July.


9. Any Other Business



10. Date of Next Meeting

The committee agreed that the next meeting should take place at 1000 on Monday 6th August at Torrington Close, subject to PH's approval.
