This page specifically contains links to other sites or pages of interest to members. Click on the header to take you to the site or page.
Unit 124 - Cincinnati Bridge Association |
ACBL UNIT 124 Website - Rich with content for all players in the Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky area.
The Unit 124 Cincinnati Bridge Association Quarterly Newsletter with news and articles of local interest for all players. Available electronically.
Unit 124 NLM Newsletter |
The Unit 124 Newsletter for our Non-Life Masters - games, tournaments, masterpoint winners, rank promotions, and a feature article to improve your bridge skills.
District 11 |
District 11 site with tournament and District News for all members.
The official American Contract Bridge League site.
Karen Walker's Bridge Library |
Thought-provoking articles for players of all levels by one of the premier teachers. Karen Walker is an Emerald Life Master and Master Bridge Teacher from Illinois.
Richard Pavlicek's Site for Bridge Players |
Richard Pavlicek offers insights and analyses for beginners to world-class experts. This is a must-see site for the beginner and the serious tournament veteran.
Learning Center - Bridge with Larry Cohen |
Articles by Larry Cohen for Novices and Intermediate players. Learn at your own pace.
BridgeWinners |
Bridge Winners connects bridge players from around the world in a venue to learn, share, and talk about the game. FInd daily articles, tournament reports, an online convention card editor, and player profiles.
The Common Game |
A service to clubs and players that allows results on hands to be compared across all participating clubs. You can find how your game compared to a much larger field. Expert commentary on many hands.
Bridge Card Combination Analyzer |
The finds the best line of play to obtain a required number of tricks. Special conditions can be specified as input to the analysis.
Bridge Hand Evaluator |
Evaluates hand strength 14 ways:
Bridge World Standard 2017 |
Bridge World is a premier monthly bridge magazine and website founded by Ely Culbertson in 1929. Bridge World Standard is an expert-curated natural 2/1 Game force set of agreements. These are a useful reference when forming a partnership. Choices are based on surveys. The most recent 2017 replaced the 2001 version preceding it.