Cheltenham Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Emergency Contacts
The Club landline number is 01242 522502,  but in the case of an emergency please call 07515 398027 (Pauline Sanderson) or 07787 148152 (Lesley Harrison)

Cheltenham Bridge Club
is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
Registered Charity No:   1188825


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Bridge is an extremely enjoyable game. Courteous behaviour is an exceptionally important part of that enjoyment. This guide serves as a brief reminder of how to behave at the bridge table. We are sure that all players naturally follow this code of conduct but there are times when concentration and pressure can take their toll and it is for these situations that we issue this as a reminder.

·        Greet others in a friendly manner prior to start of play on each round.

·        Be a good "host" or "guest" at the table.

·        Fill in your convention card completely and make it readily available to your opponents.

·        Make bridge enjoyable for yourself, partner and opponents.

·        Give credit when opponents make a good bid or play.

·        Take care of your personal grooming.

·        Ensure that your mobile phone is turned off.

·        Enjoy the company as well as the game.

Remember that it is rude to criticise your partner or opponents in public, to be less than polite at the table, to gloat over good results or object to a call for the tournament director or to dispute or argue about a director’s ruling.

Please call the director if you think you may have been affected by bad behaviour. You will be helping others as well as yourselves.