Cheddar and Wedmore
with Axe Virtual Bridge Club
Release 2.19r

Congratulations to Barbara Biggin and Gillian Toogood who came second in the Wednesday heat of the SCBA Michael Coda Cup event.

The team who will be defending our SCBA Club Teams of Eight title on Sunday 23rd March is Barbara Biggin & Gillian Toogood, Ray Harper & Mike O'Brien, Jane Hall & Peter Dawes and Paul St. Quintin & Geoff Davies with John Gould & Peter Cresswell in reserve.

Cheddar Constitution

The name of the club shall be Cheddar Bridge Club of Cheddar, Somerset.


The object of the club shall be to organise the playing of contract bridge on a regular basis in a friendly and sociable atmosphere. The club will be affiliated to the English Bridge Union and the Somerset Contract Bridge Association.

  General Rules


Membership shall be be application. All applications for membership will be considered by at least two members of the committee after intending members have attended not less than three sessions as visitors. A decision on membership shall be ratified by the full Committee.

Fees and Subscriptions

An annual subscription of £4 is payable by all members, to be paid in September.

Junior members (under 18 years) will pay half price subscription and table money.

Table money of £2 is payable for each playing session as fixed by the Committee.

New members will pay an annual subscription at the time of joining. If the joining date is after 1st March the annual fee will be reduced.

The Committee shall review fees and subscriptions regularly and shall have the power to alter them as necessary.


The day to day business of the club shall be conducted by the Committee. Significant changes of policy will be dealt with at the Annual General Meeting. All competitions and tournaments will be run by a Tournament Director who will be designated by the Committee.


The officers of the club shall be:


Hon. Treasurer

Hon. Secretary

Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and will serve for one year. Officers shall be eligible for re-election.


The committee shall consist of the officers and at least 3 elected members.


The committee shall have the power to co-opt members to fill any vacancy occurring amongst the officers or committee members.   They may also co-opt additional members with such skills as may be deemed necessary in the light of the current club activities.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting shall be held in September to transact the following business:

  To receive and adopt the accounts for the year

  To receive and adopt the report of the club's activities for the year.

  To elect officers in accordance with the rules.

  To elect committee members in accordance with the rules.

  To make decisions on such business as may be appropriate

Notice of the AGM will be given at least 14 days before the meeting.


Election of Officers will normally be by a show of hands.

Club Nights

Card play on club nights will usually be informal tournaments as designated by the tournament director and depending on the numbers present at 19:00 hrs. A member arriving after 19:00 hrs cannot be guaranteed the right to play on that night.

Duties of Members

In order to maintain the friendly and sociable atmosphere which is part of the club's objectives members must avoid any acrimony which can arise in any competitive game.

The committee shall have the power to suspend or require the resignation of any member deemed to have acted in a manner detrimental to the objectives of the club without giving reasons.

Private table stakes are not permitted.


The committee shall have the authority to deal with any matter not provided for in these rules.

Authority of the Rules

All members shall be bound by these rules and by any amendment properly notified by a General Meeting.