The Central Mass Bridge Association
Release 2.19q
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We've created a tab for documenting CMBA history with photos.   If you have a photo(s) of people or events relating to the CMBA or member clubs (active or defunct) that you'd like to see on the web page, please send them to and include a note identifying the people, approximate date and if possible event.    Most of the pictures we have only go back to 2018 so any older pictures would be especially appreciated.

President's Message 2024

Bridge Is Alive and Well in Central Massachusetts!!!

Happy New Year Everyone! Bridge in Central MA is thriving. We have new members who are playing, some joining the ACBL, and others not joining, and the Board is completely filled. I am so happy to write that there is a game offered every day during the week and we may start to play two unit games on Saturday each month beginning in the spring. We are planning a Team game in March and discussing other different games in the future. 

We had a very successful Pro/Am last year which fostered members being acquainted with other members. Maybe another one for fall?

We still need directors and people who will become club managers and owners. In order for bridge to continue, members need to think about becoming more active in club responsibility. Please speak to me about this issue and I will be happy to guide you.

Our highly frustrating, wonderful game is beneficial in so many, many ways! Talk to people you know and encourage them to learn to play. They will enjoy meeting all the wonderful members of the Central Massachusetts Bridge Association.

My thanks to every member for your ideas, support, compliments, complaints and all other subjects that you talk to me about. Do not ever hesitate to call me about any issue. I will be very happy to speak to you. 

Thank you. 

June 2022 - Gardner Bridge Club
June 2022 - Gardner Bridge Club

Front Table: Joe Sackett (blue shirt)

Back Table: unidentified

June 2022 - Gardner Bridge Club
June 2022 - Gardner Bridge Club

front table - Joan Conrad (red and white) & Tony Wolf (black)

left rear table -  Ernie Peabody (green and white), Michelle Blanchard (purple sweater), Dot Murphy (red sweater)

center table - Al Berg (black floral), Unidentified (blue and white sweater; yellow blouse) 

back table - Unidentified 

June 2022 - Gardner Bridge Club
June 2022 - Gardner Bridge Club

Standing in front: Al Berg

Front table: unidentified

Back left table: unidentified

Middle table: Joan Conrad (red and white), unidentified (aqua blouse)

Back table: unidentified

June 2022 - Gardner Bridge Club
June 2022 - Gardner Bridge Club

Front Table: Joan Conrad (red and white), Unidentified (green blouse)

Middle Table: Unidentified

Standing Right: Unidentified

Back Table:  Al Berg (leaning forward), unidentified

July 24th, 2022 Team Wagner at the Providence NABC
July 24th, 2022  Team Wagner at the Providence NABC

Team Wagner finishes 2nd in the Bracketed Round Robin Teams at the Providence NABC

From Left to Right: Kathy Aberizk; Mike Kagen, Kenneth Wagner, Michael Roman
