The Bridge Center of Greater Lansing
Release 2.19r
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Job Descrptions

 Serve as Chairperson of the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Annual Meeting;

 Appoint a Nominating Committee of at least 3 members:

The names of this committee shall be promulgated and be posted at the Bridge Center three months prior to the annual meeting.

The Nominating committee shall post the slate of nominees one month prior to the election;

 Appoint a Financial Review Committee to review financial records,

The committee shall review the Treasurer’s and Bookkeeper’s records at the end of the fiscal year and to report to the members at the Annual Meeting;

 Appoint the Web Master;

 Appoint a publicity liaison;

 Appoint an instruction coordinator;

 Set the agenda for all Board of Director meetings, all Special Meetings, and the Annual Meeting;

 Report the condition/status of the club at the Annual Meeting.


 Substitute for the President in his/her absence;

 Appoint and chair a Membership Promotion Committee upon recommendation from the Board: 

The committee shall make recommendations to the Board for increasing membership and improving the climate of the Bridge Center;



·         Take minutes for Board of Directors Meetings and the Annual Meeting;

 Provide drafts of the previous meeting minutes to all Board meetings at least 1 week prior to the next meeting;

 File approved minutes and documents;

 Maintain electronic copies of minutes and other documents on the office computer as well as off-site backup;

 Prepare announcement of Annual Meeting and elections in advance of the Annual Meeting for approval by the Board of Directors

 Oversee the Bookkeeper, assuring appropriate financial records are maintained and that the corporation complies with all applicable laws, including those relating to internal revenue and taxation, whether federal, state, or local;

 Act as the primary check-signer;

 Process all bills, assuring that all are valid and of the correct amount, including but not limited to:

Game Director fees,

The annual fee to maintain our status as a non-profit Corporation - form to be signed by the President,

Annual web site charges,

Rent and utilities;

 Oversee the Library Account;

 Act as resource to the Financial Review committee;

 Perform such other duties as may be assigned or delegated by the Board of Directors.

  Club Manager

 Be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Bridge Center including:

Maintenance of the building,

Purchase of bridge and non-bridge supplies,

Process all US Mail, distribute and take appropriate action,

  Report monthly to the Board ofDirectors;

 Act as liaison and primary negotiator withlandlord (may be delegated);

 File annual franchise renewals with the ACBL;

 Prepare and submit monthly reports to the ACBL (may be delegated);

 Act as place holder for Bridge Center debit card which can be used to make payments from the Center checking account;

 Act as ACBL liaison - Alternate ACBL liaison to be chosen with approval of the Board of Directors;

 Issue a share of stock to new shareholders;

 Accept and process new/renewal Club memberships;

 Maintain master Club Shareholder and Membership List;

 Other duties designated by the Board ofDirectors.


 Maintain books and prepare monthly financial summary for presentation at the Board of Director meetings.


 Prepare annual Corporate forms:

Bridge Center tax returns,

Completion of 1099 forms,

Library tax-exempt forms.

  Game Directors' Responsibilities


 Unlock doors and turn on lights,


 Set the thermostat to acomfortable temperature (up in winter/ down in summer),

 Make coffee and put out cups, sugar, creamer etc., 

 Straighten up game room, break room and kitchen, as  (pick up papers, bottles, pencils, vacuum crumbs, etc). Club Manager will assist with this when present,

Distribute table  cards and boards, 

 Put out sign-up sheet and pencil in front lobby.


 Be the host/hostess; greet players as they arrive, make them feel welcome,

 Enter names on entry sheet and collect entry fees,


 Make tableassignments assuring that the room is balanced,

 Assist newcomers and provide them the Club’s “welcome letter”. First time players receive a free play for that game, 

 Answer any questions players have.


 Players who do not have a partner are encouraged to show up at least 20 minutes before game time so they can be partnered up and to discuss their playing conventions. If someone is left without a partner, the Game Director proceed per steps:

  • Out of town visitors: In this situation the director will find a partner for the person. If a person cannot be brought in to play and, if scheduled with a partner, the director should have the guest play with his/her partner and simply be a non-playing director. If the director does not have a scheduled partner then the director plays with this person.

  • When a regular player shows up without a partner and there are no other players looking for a partner and it is within 15 minutes of game time the player should start calling people to see if a partner can be found.  

The BCGL will maintain an up to date player telephone call list. This list will identify players who have indicated that they might be willing to come in on a night or afternoon when they are needed.


 Encourage players to play in a timely manner and remind them that they have only 7 ½ minutes per board.  Give suggestions for speeding up play:

  • Arrive at the next table in atimely fashion,

  • Sort your hand and consider yourbid before doing paperwork,

  • Make your opening lead beforedoing paperwork,

  • Save postmortems for the break room,

  • Remind them “If you cannot playwell, at least play fast!” 

  • Make other announcements.


 Start the timer at the beginning ofeach round.  Set up game into computer  prepare game report, 

 Direct the game and respond to director calls,

 Actively ensure players keep thenoise level down,

 Just before play begins for the last round, ask people to assist in the clean-up of the facility after they complete their last round and while they are waiting for the director to score the game’s results. Refer them to the clean-up check list posted on the refrigerator.


 Enter scores into the computer foreach board,

 Compile and print game results, staple and post on the white boards.  Update scores to the Center's Website,

 Police facility to assure all clean-up activities were completed and finish any that have not been done,

 Turn off coffee maker, emptycoffee grinds in trash and wash out coffee pots,

 Pick up trash in game room and break room,

 Clean break room, wipe down table and area around the coffee maker,

 Empty waste baskets in break room into large trash receptacle in the storage room,

 Return game room and break room tothe condition you found it (or better),

 Put boards back in numerical order,   

 Turn off computer monitor,

 Adjust thermostat for vacantbuilding (down in winter/up in summer),

 Turn all lights off,

 Lock doors when exiting for the evening.  Deposit game receipts in the bank within 3 business days.

Note:  Playing directors receive a free play fort hat game


 Maintain the library, making new purchases as approved by the Board of Directors;

 Maintain records of library material that is checked out and assure that checked out materials are returned in a timely manner;

 Coordinate volume discounts for members in order to obtain maximum discounts.



 Assure all information is timely and accurate; 

 Post Board meeting agendas;  

 Post Board meeting minutes and monthly Board Summary after approved;

 Follow up on email to and;


 Update phone/email lists as needed; 

 Email communication from the Board of Directors to membership and players;

 Maintain Web Calendar (may be delegated).


 Receive complaints from Bridge Center members regarding social and/or ethical behavior;

 Solve problems by talking to the individuals involved;

 Raise problems that cannot be handled individually, and issues of wide impact, to the Board of Directors for resolution.

  All Board Members

 Elect officers for the Corporation;

 Propose and garner approval for practices/procedures that will improve the location, physical environment, member relations, number and timing of Club games;

 Monitor the fiduciary health if the Bridge Center, propose and garner approval for changes to keep the Club solvent.