September 10: Ducking Plays |
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West leads the K against 6. South's 2 can go away on North's K leaving South's only possible losers in the diamond suit
If diamonds prove to be 3-3, or 4-2, South can easily take all 13 tricks. He could cash the A, cross to the K, discard the 2 on the K cash the A and cross-ruff the rest of the tricks high.
As South needs only 12 tricks, he should try to guard against a 5-1 diamond break. The above line of play will fail against this distribution if West ruffs south's A and returns a trump.
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South should start as described, but the second round of diamond should be ducked!
East must return a trump to stop a cross-ruff. South can now ruff a low diamond, ruff back to his hand, and ruff the last low diamond. South ruffs back to his hand again. If trumps prove to be 3-2 South can draw the defender's remaining trump and cash the A at trick 13.
The distribution of the defensive spades is only relevant when diamonds divide 5-1. Had West followed to the second diamond, south would not need to ruff as many clubs in his hand.
Notice however, South will go down if he draws even 1 round of trump at the start of play. |
September 3: Managing Trump |
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West leads a , taken by East with the Ace who then switches to s. South's only possible losers are in the suit. If south draws all of the trumps, he will go down anytime clubs break 4-1.
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South can give himself an extra chance to make the contract by testing s after drawing only 2 rounds of trump. If both defenders follow with 2 rounds of s, south can draw the last trump and easily take the balance of the tricks.
This recommended line is critical when the defender with 4 s also has length in s.
In this case, South can cash a 3rd round of s and ruff a in the dummy. South's hand will now be high. South can draw the last trump and take the rest of the tricks. |
August 26: Inferences |
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West leads the K against 3. All play low.
West then leads the Q which East overtakes with the A, leading back the J.
South ruffs small. Now what?
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As East has played the A and J, West must have all of the remaining 15 HCP for his 1NT opening. West must have the guarded K giving South a certain loser.
South must therefor avoid losing 2 trump tricks. West is known to have the K and J making the task more difficult. There are 3 trump positions that South can play for.
1st: West cound have a doubleton KJ. In that case, south can play trumps for 1 loser by ducking the 2nd round of trumps completely.
2nd : West could have 4 spades, missing the 10. In that case, South can hold his trump losers to 1 by playing the Q through West.
The best play in the trump suit, however, is known as an intra-finesse. This play will succeed when West has 3 s including the K and the J, and either the 5 or 4. Since there are2 cases in which the intra-finesse works, it is superior to the other 2 plays. The other 2 plays each cater onlyto one case
South should cross to the K and lead a low . If East plays the 10, South covers and West wins the K. South can later finesse against the J.
If East instead follows low, south plays low and west wins the J south can later lead the Q, picking up West’s K and pinning East's 10.
After drawing trumps, South can concede to West’s K. |
June 17: Avoidance 2 |
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West leads the 8 to east’s 10.
Declarer has 7 top tricks (1 spade, thanks to the lead, and 2 each in hearts, diamonds and clubs).
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2 additional tricks are available in clubs if that suit is 3-2. The K will provide the entry to the long clubs. In order to establish the long clubs, South must first lose a trick in clubs. South would much rather lose the lead to West than East.
If West in on lead, the defense will not be able to run the spade suit. With East on lead however, one lead through south’s fragile spade holding could spell disaster if West had five or six spades. South should gear his play towards giving up the unavoidable club loser to West. South can always accomplish this if West has any 3 clubs by cashing the ♣A and ♣K and giving up a club.
Declarer can also succeed when West has a doubleton ♣Q of clubs. South should lead a club toward dummy at trick 2. If West plays the ♣Q, south lets him hold that trick. If West follows low, South should win the ♣A and cross back to his hand. South plays another club towards dummy, again ducking it if West plays the ♣Q. If West follows small again, south should win the ♣K and give up a club trick, hoping that West began with 3 clubs.
Avoidance play is characterized by steps taken to keep a dangerous opponent (in the case East) off lead. |