Welcome to the Bridge Center of Austin - where the best game in the world is played. We offer a variety of friendly beginning, intermediate, and open games and a full array of classes. All games feature pre-duplicated boards, hand records, and tabletop scoring devices. Come see us at 6700 Middle Fiskville Road, Suite 408, Austin, TX 78752 or call us at (512) 300-2743.
Austin Mardi Gras Sectional Has Begun! March 6-9
at the BCA Need a partner? Use the Sectional Partnership Request tab on the left.
Click for the flyer.
Austin NLM 0-200 Sectional April 5/6 (Sat/Sun) 1:30 pm
at the BCA Need a partner? Mar 10, use the Sectional Partnership Request tab on the left. Click for the flyer.
Milestone Recognition + Pizza
Open Game, Mon, April 14th, 10:30 am
For BCA Club Games see below or use the Calendar & Game Registration tab on the left. The Monthly Schedules are annotated with special games offering extra points and provide a means for registering for a game or requesting a partner. Click for other Unit 207 club games.
No food at tables - A hospitality break halfway through each game provides a chance to eat.
See above for Special Games and Tournament announcements.
Game Schedule at the BCA
- Monday 10:30 am 1LM
- Tuesday 10:30 am 0-1500 (guaranteed partner)
- Wednesday 10:30 am 0-1500
- Wednesday Noon 0-20 (guaranteed partner, pre-game lesson)
- Wednesday 7:00 pm Open
- Thursday 10:30 am 0-500 (guaranteed partner, pre-game lesson)
- Thursday 11:00 am Open
- Friday 11:00 am Open (lite lunch provided)
- Friday 12:30 pm 0-200 (guaranteed partner)
- Saturday 1:30 pm Open
1LM: Maximum of One Life Master per pair
The schedule will likely continue to change. Check this website and our newsletter frequently.