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The CBC AGM took place on the 21st January 2025.

   Click to access the relevant documents: 2025 AGM Agenda / 2025 AGM Finance Report  / 2025 AGM last Year's AGM Minutes / 2025 CBC AGM Secretary and Acting Chaimans Report.pdf


The Penylan Club AGM will be held in the Club on Tuesday the 25th February 2025 at the slightly earlier time of 6.15pm.

Click HERE to see the official AGM notice and nominations for the committee.

Any Motions or further nominations duly proposed and seconded must be notified to Martin Joseph by Thursday the 13th February, following which an Agenda and any relevant documents will be sent out.

Last year's supporting documents can be viewed by clicking on 'Membership' in the menu above and then on the 'Penylan' tab


About the Club
Introduction to the Club

If you play Bridge, or would like to learn Bridge, you can enjoy one of the best set-ups in Wales, both in the Club and on-line.


The club is affiliated to the Welsh Bridge Union and has one of the largest Bridge memberships in Wales which includes 20 Welsh Internationals.


We have a teaching strategy that offers tuition for Improvers up to club level throughout the year, both daytime and evening so you are guaranteed to keep learning in a friendly atmosphere.


So regardless of age, if you are competitive, or you just want to enjoy the game, this is the place for you to be.

Our club provides facilities for the playing of Duplicate Bridge and awards Master-Points at it's main sessions.
The club meets for Duplicate Bridge sessions on Monday afternoons (social), Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and Thursday afternoons and holds RealBridge sessions online on Monday (preceeded by tuition) and Wednesday evenings. There is supported play via RealBridge on Thursday mornings. Full details of these and other occasional events can be found on the main page of this website.
Each session is run by an experienced Tournament Director.  
Visitors are always welcome, please make yourself known to the Tournament Director.
CBC benefits from being a part of the Penylan Club.  
Situated in a small cul-de-sac between 51 and 53 Marlborough Road, Cardiff, it has a spacious hall that provides a comfortable atmosphere in which to play bridge.  
The hall is also used to provide social events for the benefit of members and their guests.  
The social aspect is enhanced by an adjoining bar, where members can relax, enjoy sporting events on television, or watch Bowls on the magnificent green outside.