Bude Bridge Club
Minutes of the committee meeting held on
Tuesday 1st May 2018 at 6pm in the Parkhouse
Present: Deb Delvalle, Linda Ashworth, Maureen Fallows, Alan Merchant-White,
Alison Osborne, Stephen Smith, Christine Theobald.
Apologies: Hilary Dorren.
Minutes of last meeting (27th February): acceptance proposed by Linda, seconded by
Matters arising: all covered elsewhere in the minutes.
Acting Chair's report: Deb introduced the committee members to each other. She
thanked them for standing and observed that there is a good mix of established and newer
members on the committee. She said that while she did not choose to become (acting) chair
she is willing to undertake the relevant duties until such time as someone else can be
appointed, and she asked the committee to consider who might be co-opted on to the
committee. She was thanked for taking on this additional responsibility.
Some long-standing committee members did not seek election at the AGM and so it is
important to be sure that all necessary duties are undertaken. The group had identified the
following on-going tasks: website maintenance, regular sessions and tournaments (directing
and scoring), newspaper reports, stationery, and refreshments. We should also have an ad
hoc law & ethics sub-committee and possibly a data compliance officer. Neil has been
responsible for the newspaper reports but he would prefer if someone else could take this
on. Chris Nichols has asked what duties he should continue with and Deb will liaise with him
on these matters. The committee were asked to let Deb know of any other jobs that need to
be allocated.
Secretary's report: Christine referred to the EBU guidance which told us to ask members
to confirm that we can a) continue to print their contact details in the booklet and b) continue
to send them emails. We have 77 members on the list and all but 2 of them have signed or
confirmed in writing. The remaining 2 have agreed verbally. We need to ensure that ex-
members are removed from databases and all details are correct. We need postal
addresses for 6 members who have joined in recent months - Alan agreed to follow up on
The EBU guidance notes indicate that emails sent to all club members should hide their
identities ("bcc"), but this can be waived for the committee who may want to discuss matters
between meetings. There is a copy of the guidance notes in a blue folder and this includes
EBU joining forms for new members.
Treasurer's report: Stephen said that there had not been much change in the financial
situation since the last meeting, but it was now necessary to update the cheque signatories
to reflect the composition of the new committee. There should be 3 signatories in total,
currently Stephen and 2 ex-committee members, with each cheque to be signed by 2
people. It was agreed that Maureen Fallows and Christine Theobald would become cheque
signatories, replacing Jane Koldewey and Neil Trenaman. Proposed by Deb, seconded by
Friday nights: The new system of booking a room for Friday nights if at least 12 people sign
up has been successful in avoiding room cancellation charges. So far the sign-up rate has
been variable, even with enthusiastic encouragement by committee and other members, but
at least it is running more than half of the time. Stephen confirmed it costs about £35 for a
Friday night session but there is no need for haste to review table money as there is
sufficient accumulated Club funds to see if the new signup system produces reliable
numbers over time. The prices for all sessions (Tuesdays £2.50 Wednesdays & Fridays
£2.00) should remain unchanged for now, and we will revisit this in September.
Club Calendar: This had been discussed at the previous committee meeting and had
subsequently been amended following input from Chris Nichols. The handicap pairs have
always taken place on the 1st Tuesday of each month to ensure continuity in partnerships
but other events on the schedule mean that there can be only 5 handicap pairs evenings
during the year rather than the usual 6 sessions. Christine will email the committee with the
Calendar prior to printing the booklet.
There will be a new cup in memory of Beryl Mardon which can be added to the Calendar
soon. It has been suggested that this might be awarded for one session on a Wednesday
on (or near ) her birthday, or alternatively as an annual award to a noteworthy person in the
club. Deb and Alan will liaise with Chris Skipp to ascertain his wishes.
Cornwall Sims: Deb asked if everything had been arranged and Christine confirmed that
Chris Nichols has it in hand.
AOB: Linda congratulated Deb on her handling of the meeting.
Alan produced a box of pens for members' use donated by a local business.
As 1st May was an EBU SIMS night it was necessary to end the meeting in good time, so
various matters were carried forward to the next meeting to be held as soon as possible.
Date of Next Meeting: suggested as 22nd May, subject to all committee members being
The meeting ended at 6.45pm.
Minutes for the 40th Annual General Meeting held at the Parkhouse Centre on Tuesday 10th April 2018 at 6.30pm
Present: Officers and Committee: Neil Trenaman (chairman), Stephen Smith (Treasurer), Christine Theobald (Secretary), Linda Ashworth, Deb Delvalle, Maureen Fallows, Chris Nichols.
A further 25 members were also present.
1. Apologies received from:
Ann Bennett (committee member), Gail Brumham, Fiona Hargreaves, Noreen Heslop, Mary Hicks, Mary Hopgood, Anne Luxton, Margaret Swayne.
2. Minutes of the last AGM April 2017 had been circulated by email. They were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Acceptance was proposed by Mike Brookes and seconded by Micheline Smith.
3. Matters arising: none.
4. Chairman's Report
This year is the 40th Anniversary of Bude Bridge Club and it has been suggested that we have a social function to celebrate this later in the year, probably in the summer. The committee would welcome suggestions as to the format and possible venue. I am pleased to see that one of our founder members, Linda Ashworth is here tonight. The only other founder member still playing at the club is Mary Hopgood.
This year has seen the sad loss of one of our members, Beryl Mardon who was a Wednesday afternoon regular and it also sad that some of our long standing members are unable to attend through frailty.
I congratulate all our members who have represented Cornwall in the last 12 months. Alan Biggs and Rob Mabley who played regularly for the ‘A’ and ‘B’ Teams and Chris Nichols, Jane Koldewey and Steve Clifton who played for the ‘C’ Team that won the Western Counties League last season, against Somerset, Devon, Dorset, Hereford, Avon, Wiltshire and South Wales.
The Falcon Hotel will once again be the venue for the Cornwall Congress in September and this is an ideal opportunity for members to play more competitive bridge if they wish to do so.
I would like to pay tribute to your committee who have worked tirelessly this year and given a strategic steer to the club. Stephen, our very efficient Treasurer and Maureen who deputises in his absence as well as carrying out various other thankless tasks. Christine who stepped up last year and has been a very effective Secretary. Chris, who manages the club website, sends in the weekly results and monthly report to newspapers when I am on holiday and is always available to assist myself and other members of the committee on any matter. Ann, who runs our partner finding service and acts as a contact point for the club. Deb, who has made a tremendous effort to make Wednesday afternoons successful and last but not least, Linda, who we rely on for her experience and knowledge and takes care of everything that no one else does, including making sure there is always tea and coffee available.
Chris, Ann, and I have decided not to seek re-election this year and I am sure you would like to thank them all for their contribution, not only this year, but also throughout the time they have served on the committee. Chris has served the committee for over 30 years, including three spells as Chairman and has been a director for 32 years which is a massive contribution and it is typical of him that he is still prepared to direct and score, as well as managing the website on our behalf. Ann has been a calming influence on the committee and is still prepared to operate our partner finding service if the new committee wish it. I have been Chairman for 2 years and after several years on the committee have decided to take a break. I am still prepared to direct and score as required. I will also send in the weekly results and monthly report to the newspapers until such time as this task is taken on by someone else from the incoming committee.
A duplicate bridge club would not be able to function without directors and we are fortunate to have had five active directors at Bude during the last year. Chris and Steve, who normally direct on Tuesdays, Deb who now directs on Wednesday afternoons and Linda and myself who direct on Fridays. Steve has decided he no longer wishes to direct and score and I would like to thank him for his contribution. All the directors appreciate the help received by members who arrive early and help set up the tables and tidy up at the end of the session.
I would like to remind you all that apart from the results, our club website has a wealth of other information including a monthly bidding and play problem and news report. The results also feature weekly in the Post and Weekly News and North Devon Journal and a monthly report is included in the sports section of the Post and Weekly News. North Coast Wine have kindly donated 12 bottles of wine for the winners of the monthly heats of the handicap pairs and have agreed to sponsor us for another year provided their advert features in our membership booklet and we continue to give them a mention when reporting the results of the handicap pairs in the newspaper.
Despite the best efforts of the committee to improve attendances, numbers have been disappointing and it was necessary to cancel bridge on some Friday nights because we were unable to muster 3 tables. You all know the new system that has recently been introduced to encourage as many as possible to sign up by Wednesday of each week so that we can book the room for the following Friday. Fortunately there are always sufficient rooms available but it is hoped that attendances will soon improve so that bookings can be made further in advance. Wednesday afternoon bridge continues to attract an average of 5 tables. During the winter months Chris and myself have given some tuition on a subject, sometimes followed by prepared hands and then a shortened duplicate session. We have noticed that the standard of bidding and play has improved considerably during the last 6 months. Some of the Wednesday afternoon regulars have also attended some evening sessions and given a good account of themselves. I have also taught four absolute beginners under the EBU Fast Track Bridge programme so they have some idea how to bid and play, and I am pleased to say that they have now started to take part in the duplicate sessions on Wednesday afternoons.
The present committee all agree that all members of Bude Bridge Club have equal status in accordance with our Constitution and have done everything to encourage as many as possible to attend evening and afternoon sessions and play bridge in a convivial atmosphere at all times.
Every committee needs new blood and fresh ideas and I wish the new committee well. I am sure that any new initiatives to improve attendances would be welcomed. I know that afternoon bridge is not popular with a small minority of members. However, without it, where would beginners, lapsed duplicate players who wish to get back in to friendly competitive bridge and rubber bridge players who wish to try duplicate go? If there was no Wednesday afternoon bridge I suspect that several of the regulars would form their own club and not only would the finances of the club deteriorate but also some of the regulars who have started to coming to evening bridge may feel they are not welcome, decide to no longer attend and attendances would decline further. I would like to see more afternoon players make the step up to evening bridge. Just one or two more tables at evening sessions would enhance our overall enjoyment of this wonderful game of bridge. I want Bude Bridge Club to survive and thrive so that we can celebrate its 50th anniversary in ten years’ time.
Finally, thank you for attending and at the end of the meeting I hope you will all stay and play bridge. Neil Trenaman.
5. Secretary's Report
Christine thanked Jane for her assistance in handing over all the information needed for the role of Secretary. She also thanked Neil for being a very considerate chairman, and Sarah for working quietly in the background.
6. Treasurer's Report
The accounts had been sent out by email. Stephen thanked Christine for reviewing the accounts, and also Maureen who has deputised for him when he is absent. Table money has increased during the year due to more afternoon sessions than previously but costs have also gone up, and we have made a loss of £650. We still have £2800 in the bank and for the time being we can continue to absorb further losses, but would like to have the option to increase table money if necessary. The meeting Agenda included the following proposal:
The club is currently running at a substantial loss which is being met out of accumulated reserves. It is therefore proposed that the Committee is given discretion to increase table money by a maximum of 50p per session at any time in the next 12 months should the Committee consider it to be in the best interests of the Club to do so.
Alan Merchant-White proposed that this be agreed and Hilary Dorren seconded. The proposal was then carried by a members' vote.
7. Adoption of the annual accounts and reports from the committee
Proposed by Maureen Fallows and seconded by Jane Koldewey.
8. Election of officers and committee members
Neil said there had been no nominations for Chairman and only one nomination for Vice Chairman, so Deb Delvalle was duly elected. He said it gave him great pleasure to hand over to her to announce the other committee members and present the prizes.
Deb took the chair, thanked Neil as retiring Chairman and confirmed the committee members.
The nominees were: Deb Delvalle (vice chair), Stephen Smith (treasurer), Christine Theobald (secretary). Committee members: Linda Ashworth, Hilary Dorren, Maureen Fallows, Alan Merchant-White and Alison Osborne. All were accepted.
9. Presentation of Prizes
John Ridding Club Championship Trophies Jane Koldewey & Chris Nichols
Mary Francis Club Plate David Clarke & Paul Creighton
Rodger Cup -Teams Chris Nichols & Jane Koldewey, Neil & Sarah Trenaman
Collian Cup Alan Merchant-White & Ian Curtis
Handicap Pairs October - Jean & Mike Brookes
November - Neil & Sarah Trenaman
December - Alan Biggs & Paul Creighton
January - Mary Hicks & James Sim
February - Mary Hicks & James Sim
March - Micheline and Stephen Smith
Stratton Cup (Handicap pairs) James Sim & Mary Hicks
Frank & Doris Clifton Trophy Alan Biggs & Rob Mabley
June Justice Trophy (Individual) Bob Bennett
Lesley Davis Mix & Match Trophy Linda Ashworth & Paul Creighton
John & Bill Prize for Grand Slams Mary Hopgood
Christine Carey Cup (Wednesday) Hilary Dorren & Gill Lowe
The AGM ended at 7pm
Bude Bridge Club
Minutes of the committee meeting held on Tuesday 27th February 2018 at 6pm in the Parkhouse
Present: Neil Trenaman, Ann Bennett, Chris Nichols, Stephen Smith, Deb Delvalle, Linda Ashworth, Marueen Fallows, Christine Theobald
Apologies: None
Minutes of last meeting (Jan 16th): agreed.
Matters arising: all matters covered elsewhere in the minutes.
Chairman's Report: North Coast Wine have agreed to provide wine for both this year and next year's handicap pairs provided we continue to advertise NCW in our membership booklet.
Treasurer's Report: Stephen presented the current financial position and suggested possible scenarios for 2018-9. Our deficit for the year so far is £407, which will probably rise to about £600 by the time the accounts are finalised. At the present time we have about £2800 in the bank so no urgent action is needed, however we may need to cut costs and/or increase table money at some point in the coming year.
The committee discussed the possibility of making savings by using a small room on Wednesdays in the summer, and we could cut costs by setting up the rooms ourselves. If we cancel a room booking we need to give 2 weeks notice otherwise we still have to pay at least some of the hire fee. During February we cancelled the remaining Friday bookings for this reason, but will try to resurrect Friday evenings from April onwards, or earlier if possible. We need 3.5 tables to break even on a Friday.
AGM: This will be our 40th AGM and we will consult the members to find a way of celebrating this later in the year. Neil is not continuing as Chairman but is willing to stay on the committee, Ann however will be stepping down. Neil will send out an email inviting members to make a positive contribution to the future of the club by volunteering to join the committee, and a nominations sheet will be put on the noticeboard.
Linda has agreed to collect and clean the trophies and Chris will arrange the engraving.
Membership renewals: We believe that about two thirds of those on the current members list have renewed already and will continue to chase up those who have not attended recently, but we will not include people who no longer play.
Data Protection: The EBU has notified us that new Data Protection regulations are coming into effect in May. The main implications of this are that we will need to get approval from each member to include their details in the annual booklet, and we will also need permission to use their email addresses.
Booklet: the annual booklet will be printed in the usual format but we plan to fill one of the blank pages with notes on 'Best Behaviour at Bridge'.
Calendar 2018-9: a draft listing of events was circulated. There does not seem to be much interest in the traditional 'Mix & Match' evenings and they will not take place, so the Lesley Davis cup will be awarded to the highest scoring Bude pair on the night of the Cornwall Charity Sims. Apart from that we are following our usual programme.
The club will not be sending a team to the 'teams of 8' event on 25th March due to insufficient numbers of available players.
A trophy in memory of Beryl Mardon has been offered , and we accept with gratitude. Deb will pursue this with Chris Skipp.
Meeting closed at 6.45pm
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at the Parkhouse Centre
Tuesday 16th January 2018 at 6pm
1. Present Neil Trenaman, Chris Nichols, Stephen Smith, Deb Delvalle, Linda Ashworth, Maureen Fallows, Christine Theobald
2. Apologies Ann Bennett
3. Minutes of last meeting (11th July 2017) Agreed
4. Matters Arising None
5. Chairman's Report Neil said that after 2 years as Chairman he has decided not to put himself forward at the AGM for this role next year. He is prepared to remain on the Committee if asked and continue as a Director, but he and Sarah will be away from Bude even more than in the past. Although he appreciates the support he has had from the Committee, his role over the last year in particular has been both time consuming and challenging and he is keen to give Club members sufficient time to consider whether to put themselves forward for election. Stephen thanked Neil for what he had already done as Chairman and will continue to do until the AGM.
6. Treasurer's Report Stephen presented the current accounts. He drew attention to the impact of lower attendances on funds, and noted that our bank balances have gone done by £500 since the last AGM. We still have nearly £3k in the bank, however it would seem prudent to take action now. We could save money by hiring a smaller room in the Parkhouse, but attendances on both Tuesdays and Wednesdays still warrant the use of our current space. An alternative would be to increase prices.
After some discussion the committee resolved to increase the Friday night price to £2.50, leaving Tuesday and Wednesday unchanged. This will take effect after the AGM. We will revisit the question of room hire later in the year.
7. 'One Club' Following suggestions made by players on Wednesday afternoons, a Christmas dinner was arranged at the Golf Club and all members were invited. Around 20 people attended but unfortunately this was seen by some as an event for 'afternoon' players only. To avoid any such misunderstandings in future, Chris proposed that Club social events should be organised by the committee rather than groups of members. We will plan in advance for a Christmas 2018 social.
8. Tuition Neil's 4 learners are nearing the end of their course and are nearly ready to play in the Club. Neil would happily teach another 4 complete beginners. Deb commented that although there were several people who had learned on Wednesdays, it has been disappointing to see how few have continued to play. There is however an on-going demand for 'improvers' tuition and so although this will stop in the summer months it will start again in October if required.
Chris has been impressed by the greatly improved standard of play he has observed on Wednesdays.
9. North Coast Wine It is not clear if this sponsorship will continue as the proprietor has not responded to a letter Neil sent before Christmas. At present a bottle of wine is given each month for the handicap pairs event, but we will not purchase any wine for prizes if the donation is not forthcoming.
10. A.O.B.
We will continue to ask people to sign up in advance for Friday evenings.
Annual members booklet. Previously the printed list of names included several people who have not played for some time, but they were listed in the hope that they might return to the Club. Christine asked if this was still to be the case, and it was agreed that the list would show only current (and 'life') members. Stephen has now started to collect the annual subscriptions.
Christine queried if the booklet is still needed. The current edition has 8 pages, 2 are blank. If the sponsor withdraws and non-members are not listed there will probably be 4 blank pages. Nevertheless a majority of the committee felt that it should continue in its present form.
A member had asked if the 'host' system could be operated on a Tuesday evening but it was felt that this would not be possible due to an insufficient number of willing volunteers.
11. The next Committee Meeting will be held on February 27th. This will be followed by the June Justice Individual competition which did not take place in December as planned.
Bude Bridge Club
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at the Parkhouse Centre Tuesday 11th July 2017 at 6pm
1. Present Neil Trenaman, Ann Bennett, Chris Nichols, Linda Ashworth, Stephen Smith, Maureen Fallows, Deb Delvalle, Christine Theobald.
2. Apologies None
3. Minutes of last meeting (9th May 2017) Agreed
4. Matters arising The Cornwall Sims event generated a total of £120, £60 from table money and £60 from the raffle. We thanked Maureen for running the raffle.
Please note: since the meeting we have heard from the Sims organiser Chris Bickerdike who thanks everyone who contributed. A total of £737 (plus Gift Aid) was raised for the Cornwall Air Ambulance by the 6 clubs that participated.
5. Chairman's report None
6. Treasurer's report We had £3451 in the bank at the beginning of our financial year. Allowing for outstanding bills we now have £3359 which seems to indicate a loss of £92, however this is due to the recent purchase of new playing cards which is not a regular occurrence, so without this exceptional item we would be breaking even.
7. Membership questionnaire: About 40 members completed their questionnaires. Neil, Stephen, Deb and Christine had met the previous week to review and summarise the responses.
Wednesday afternoons: We agreed that these will continue in their present format through the summer. Some club members feel that these afternoon sessions are eroding support for the evening sessions, but the committee do not see Wednesdays as a significant factor affecting evening attendances. In previous years the Wednesday classes have stopped during the summer but those players have not transferred to evenings, usually due to their personal circumstances.
Members were asked if they wanted tuition. A majority preferred Option "A", a 15-20 minute lesson on a subject which will be put on the website in advance, followed by prepared hands. Half of these hands will be relevant to the day's topic, and half random. It is proposed that this will begin on 27th September and these tuition classes will take place twice a month, with the other sessions following their current format.
A smaller number of members were interested in Option "B" which would involve more concentrated tuition for improvers. We will find out if this can be done at a time and place to suit all parties.
Friday evenings: In an effort to improve attendances we are going to run a 2 month trial of the "host" system beginning on August 4th. Members could still use Ann’s partner finding service but if still unsuccessful could just turn up. If there is an even number of players then they will partner each other but if there is an uneven number of players the host will go home. All committee members will take a turn as host and it was felt it would be better if there was a host pair. This does not affect existing partnerships who will play as usual, but it does allow for members to make a last-minute decision and might encourage visitors. Ann will draw up a rota of hosts which takes into account committee holidays, directors and the hosts' existing partnerships.
Friday afternoons: If the host trial does not improve attendances we will ask if Friday evening regulars only if they wished it to continue as it has been suggested that duplicate sessions with Masterpoints could be held on Friday afternoons instead. Several of the regular evening players would definitely not want to play during the day, but some of the Wednesday players have shown an interest in Friday afternoon sessions.
Other: It had been suggested that we should try matching new players with more experienced partners but there was no demand for this.
8. Any other business: We discussed local charities that could be supported. There is currently a charity (Smugglers Challenge) organising a canoe event round the coast of Cornwall in aid of Cancer Research, and the Cornwall Blood Bikes scheme might also be of interest.
Membership - we are aware that some of the people on our list of members have not played for a considerable time. A few of those are "life" members, others we hope might still return to the club and they had been sent questionnaires but had not responded. There have been 2 new members since the last committee meeting.
Date of next meeting: TBA
Bude Bridge Club
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at the Parkhouse Centre Tuesday 9th May 2017 at 6pm
Present Neil Trenaman, Linda Ashworth, Ann Bennett, Maureen Fallows, Deb Delvalle, Christine Theobald.
Apologies Chris Nichols, Stephen Smith.
Minutes of last meeting (7th March) Agreed.
Matters arising The club did not field a Team of 8 in the March event.
Chairman's report Welcome to Deb , our new committee member. Also Christine, taking on the role of secretary
Treasurer's report None
Vice Chairman Ann agreed that if necessary she would be happy to chair meetings, but she has no wish to be seen as a future Club Chairman.
Secretary's duties Maureen has taken over supply of biscuits. Linda is willing to deal with collecting and cleaning trophies prior to the next AGM provided she is told where they are.
Wednesday afternoons The committee had received a letter from Alan Biggs suggesting that Wednesday afternoons should follow a proven formula of training on a specific subject followed by playing a series of prepared hands on that subject. He was prepared to help with tuition with support from a few others. Neil said he was prepared to assist from September onwards as were Chris, Bob and Stephen.
We agreed that although the afternoon sessions have been successful, there are concerns about the dwindling numbers of players in the evening and the implication for those who prefer to play competitive bridge rather than social bridge. Deb said that whilst the standard was not as high on a Wednesday nevertheless it was still competitive. She had carried out a verbal survey of afternoon players and they would like sessions to continue during the summer. We agreed that Wednesday afternoons should continue during the summer. Neil will show Alan Merchant-White how to select the appropriate movement for the session and he will be assisted by Deb. Arrangements will be made for scoring.
The committee agreed that a more formal period of tuition would assist those who want to improve their game and there was support for it from some of the Wednesday afternoon players. We thank Alan and the others who have offered to help and feel we would like to accept provided there is sufficient support. Neil said he would compile a questionnaire, assisted by Chris and anyone else who wishes to be involved, to ascertain how many people would be prepared to attend regularly. The questionnaires to be returned by a date to be fixed in June and results discussed at the next meeting early July.
Friday Evenings It has been suggested that attendances might improve if new players were given the chance to play with experienced members once a month. Alternatively players without a partner could be invited to come and play with a "host" (Ann is willing to do this). These suggestions will be incorporated in the questionnaire. It would also be useful to ascertain how many of the Friday evening players would consider playing on Friday afternoons as Deb's survey has indicated that a second afternoon session would be popular.
Supporting local charities It had been pointed out that money has not been donated to Stratton Hospital for a number of years. In the past, proceeds from the Leslie Davis Mix and Match event at end of January were donated to Stratton Hospital. It was discussed whether we wished to reinstate this or other local charity and it was agreed that as we already support Children In Need and Cornwall Charity pairs which this year is for Cornwall Air Ambulance, that this was sufficient.
Cornwall Simultaneous Pairs Chris Bickerdike had sent an email requesting that someone from Bude who is unable to play in the event duplicates the boards for the Club. He had also suggested that each club taking part donates £2 for each player and that we may wish to run a raffle to raise further money as well. This was discussed and Maureen kindly offered to organise the raffle, and there would be two bottles of wine for prizes.
Date of next meeting Probably in July, exact date TBC.
Meeting closed at 6.45pm
Minutes for the 39th Annual General Meeting held at the Parkhouse Centre on Tuesday 11th April 2017 at 6.30pm
Officers and Committee: Neil Trenaman (chairman), Steven Clifton (vice chairman), Stephen Smith (treasurer), Jane Koldewey (secretary), Linda Ashworth, Ann Bennett, Maureen Fallows. Chris Nichols (and Christine Theobald who sent her apologies)
Members: 25 members attended
2. APOLOGIES received from:
Christine Theobald, Mary Hicks, Penny and Terry Abbott, Fiona Hargreaves, Margaret Swayne, Deb Delvalle, Geoff Scutt
Agreed, and signed by the Chairman. Signing was proposed by Maureen Fallows, seconded by Michael Brookes.
Although club membership has increased this year, evening bridge attendances have fallen for various reasons, despite the best efforts of the committee to encourage members to attend.
In contrast, Wednesday afternoon bridge has flourished, thanks largely to the efforts of Stephen and Bob, ably supported by Micheline and Ann. Some Wednesday regulars also attend evening sessions and it is hope that others will be encouraged to come during the coming year. When they do, it is hoped they are made to feel welcome and we all adhere to ‘Best Behaviour at Bridge’
This year has seen the sad loss of one of our founder members, Jean Hemmerle and it is also sad that some of our other long serving members are unable to attend through frailty.
The Falcon Hotel will be the venue for the Cornwall Congress in September this and this is an ideal opportunity for members to play more competitive bridge if they wish to do so.
Alan, Chris and Jane continue to represent Cornwall regularly in County matches and Steve has also partnered Chris when Jane not available and I congratulate them all on this achievement.
Bridge instruction has been available through the club. Bob, Stephen and Chris have taught at the table on Wednesday afternoons, Alan has recently given a series of lessons to Intermediates who wish to improve their bridge and I have taken absolute beginners who have now joined the club and already attended afternoon and evening sessions.
I would like to pay tribute to your committee who have worked tirelessly this year and have given a strategic steer to the club. Stephen, our very efficient Treasurer and Maureen who deputises in his absence as well as carrying out various other thankless tasks. Chris, who manages the club website, sends in the weekly results and monthly report to newspapers when I am on holiday and is always available to assist myself and other members of the committee on any matter. Ann, who runs our partner finding service and Linda and Christine who carry out other important roles in the club organisation.
Jane and Steve have decided to not put themselves forward for re-election. Jane is a long standing committee member who has been a very efficient Secretary for several years. She has helped me considerably during the last year in my role as Chairman. Christine will be the new Secretary but it is typical of Jane to agree to continue secretarial duties as necessary until Christine has recovered sufficiently from her unpleasant illness. Thanks very much Jane. (Sarah then presented a bouquet to Jane on behalf of the Club)
We will also miss Steve. He has also been on the committee for a number of years and has been Vice Chairman for the last year and together with Stephen, worked hard to put together a comprehensive advertising campaign to try and attract new members. Steve has also been very good at persuading some of our members to attend evening sessions when possibly they hadn’t intended doing so. He has kindly agreed to continue to direct and score regularly. Thanks very much Steve.
A duplicate bridge club would not be able to function without directors and we are fortunate to have six active directors at Bude. Chris and Steve, who normally direct on Tuesdays, Bob and Stephen who mainly look after Wednesday afternoons and Linda and myself who direct on Fridays. They also appreciate the help received by members who arrive early and help set up the tables and tidy up at the end of the session.
I would like to remind you all that apart from the results, our club website has a wealth of other information including a monthly bidding and play problem and news report. The results also feature weekly in the Post and Weekly News and North Devon Journal and a monthly report is included in the sports section of the Post and Weekly News.
The year ahead may determine whether it is viable to continue with two evening sessions of bridge a week. It is disappointing for those that make the effort to attend and there are only 3 tables. Although it can still be an enjoyable evening the results can often be distorted and I would ask you all to continue to support Tuesday and Friday evenings whenever possible if you wish to see them continue.
Finally, I would like to thank you all for attending and please all stay and play bridge.
Jane, who is resigning, thanked everyone for all the help she had received during her six years as secretary and twelve as committee member.
Stephen thanked Christine for auditing the accounts, and Maureen for standing in for him while he was away. He told us that although attendance has been down this year by about one and a half tables each week for Tuesday and Friday evenings, the success of the Wednesday afternoon sessions has meant that table money has increased this year. Also table money was raised to £2.50 on Tuesday evenings in September. From April to September we were making a small loss, returning some of our capital to our members. We have had no major equipment purchases this year.
2016/17 2015/16
£ £
Table money 5,197.00 4,959.00
Subscriptions/Renewals 166.00 110.00
Interest 12.62 14.11
Donations 210.17 34.50
Total Income 5,585.79 5,117.61
2016/17 2015/16
£ £
Room rental 3,341.71 2,992.83
EBU "Pay to Play" 699.54 768.78
Sim pairs 196.80 266.40
EBU Affiliation fee 35.00 35.00
Club prizes 14.90 -
Director's training - -
Printing - -
Engraving 60.30 93.70
Equipment purchases - -
Stationery 161.18 239.38
Refreshments 305.49 340.35
Insurance 64.50 70.63
Gratuity 25.00 25.00
Donations to charities 360.17 100.00
Scorebridge software 18.00 18.00
New member advertising 423.48 -
Website 40.00 40.00
Other expenses 23.06 40.00
Total Expenditure 5,769.13 5,030.07
Profit/(Loss) for the Year -£183.34 £87.54
Cash at Bank and in Hand
28 Feb 2017 28 Feb 2016
£ £
Opening Balance 3,634.58 3,547.04
Profit/Loss for the year -183.34 87.54
Closing Balance 3,451.24 3,634.58
Analysis of Closing Balance: £
Santander Deposit Account 2,534.38
Current Account (see below) 916.21
Petty Cash 0.65
Total Cash at Bank and in Hand 3,451.24
Bank Reconciliation: £
Balance per Bank Statement 20 February 2017 1,639.64
Add Uncleared deposit 257.00
Less Unpreseted cheques
208 - 169.94
209 - 327.92
210 - 26.94
211 - 70.00
212 - 342.91
Less Outstanding PTP Direct Debits
February - 42.72
Current Account Balance as above 916.21
These accounts are to the best of my knowledge a true and fair copy of the accounts for Bude Bridge Club as at 28th February 2017
Audited and found correct C. Theobold
Honorary Treasurer S. A. Smith
These accounts were adopted (proposed by Alan Pearce seconded by Linda Ashworth)
7. Election of Officers for 2016-2017
The following were proposed and accepted:
Chairman Neil Trenaman
Treasurer Stephen Smith
Secretary Christine Theobald
Committee Linda Ashworth, Ann Bennett, Deb Delvalle, Maureen Fallows, Chris Nichols,
8. Calendar
This has been published for a few weeks, on the club notice board and by email. There were no queries so it was not discussed.
CLUB CALENDAR 2017 - 2018
All Tuesdays:
April 11th Annual General Meeting
May 9th EBU Spring Simultaneous Pairs
June 20th Cornwall Charity Simultaneous Pairs
July/August No competitions
September 4th North Coast Wine Handicap Pairs 1
September 22nd- 24th Cornwall Congress at Bude
October 3rd EBU Autumn Simultaneous Pairs
October 10th North Coast Wine Handicap Pairs 2
October 17th Frank and Doris Clifton Trophy and Collian Bowl
November 7th North Coast Wine Handicap Pairs 3
November 14th Children in Need Simultaneous Pairs
November 28th Mix and Match Teams
December 5th North Coast Wine Handicap Pairs 4
December 19th June Justice Individual Trophy and Christmas Party. Last bridge before break
January 2nd Bridge resumes. North Coast Wine Handicap Pairs 5
January 9th EBU Winter Simultaneous Pairs
January 16th Teams of Four Championship
January 30th Leslie Davis Mix and Match
February 6th North Coast Wines Handicap Pairs 6
February 13th Club Championship Qualifying
March 6th North Coast Wine Handicap Pairs 5
March 13th John Ridding Club Championship and Club Plate
April 10th Annual General Meeting
9. Presentation of Trophies for 2016 - 2017
Leslie Davis Trophy (Mix and Match): Maureen Fallows and Bob Bennett
Collian Cup: Christine Theobald and Mike Newman
Christine Carey Cup (Wednesdays): Alan Merchant-White and Ian Curtis
Doris and Frank Clifton Trophy: Rob Mabley and Alan Biggs
Stratton Cup (Handicap Pairs): Micheline and Stephen Smith
John and Bill Prize for the most Grand Slams bid and made during the year: Linda Ashworth
June Justice Trophy (Individual): Fiona Hargreaves
Championship Plate:(Mary Francis cup) Jean and Michael Brookes
Rodger Cup (Teams): Micheline and Stephen Smith, Ann and Bob Bennett
John Ridding Trophies for the Club Championship: Steven Clifton and Alan Biggs
Alan Merchant-White requested that the Wednesday afternoon bridge sessions be continued throughout the summer. He told us that many of our members wish for this, and several are unable to attend evening sessions so would be unable to play at all through the summer. Neil said that the committee will discuss this in the very near future.
The meeting closed at 6.50pm
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at the Parkhouse Centre
on Tuesday 7th March 2017 at 6.00pm
1. PRESENT: Neil Trenaman, Steven Clifton, Stephen Smith, Jane Koldewey, Ann Bennett, Linda Ashworth, Maureen Fallows, Chris Nichols, Christine Theobald
3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING (22nd November) agreed and signed
4. Draft Accounts for the Year Ending 28th February 2017
We have a total of £3,450 in the bank. There has been a loss of £183 this year. We have spent £423 on advertising, without this the profit would have been £240. We have given to three charities this year.
5. Programme 2017/18, including EBU Sims and Club Championship and Teams. See below
6. AGM It was suggested that we award a trophy to the member with the highest attendance not to win a prize. Agreed. Christine has kindly offered to put herself up for election as secretary.
7. Brief update from Stephen and Steve re. advertising and results The advertisements have introduced a few new people to the club, but more have come through word of mouth. The parish magazine entries continue to run.
8. Wednesdays April onwards We will continue until May as agreed. Stephen will not be able to direct and teach after Easter, but the Trenamans, Ann and sometimes Chris will help Bob.
Steven expressed his disappointment that more people from the very successful Wednesdays have not progressed to the club evenings. Ann said that many do not like going out in the evenings and enjoy playing in the relaxed atmosphere. We hope that a few will do so, however.
Neil said that he is happy to teach any beginners who wish to learn now that he and Sarah are back in Bude, providing there are at least three of them.
9. Club Teams of Eight Sunday March 26th If enough people wish to play we will field a team
10. Week St Mary biscuits We were hoping to be able to support the new community shop in Week St Mary by buying our biscuits from them. However the lowest prices they are able to charge are too high so sadly we cannot afford to do this.
Bude Bridge Club
Proposed Programme 2017/2018
All Tuesdays:
April 11th Annual General Meeting
May 9th EBU Spring Simultaneous Pairs
June 20th Cornwall Charity Simultaneous Pairs
July/August No competitions
September 4th North Coast Wine Handicap Pairs 1
September 22nd- 24th Cornwall Congress at Bude
October 3rd EBU Autumn Simultaneous Pairs
October 10th North Coast Wine Handicap Pairs 2
October 17th Frank and Doris Clifton Trophy and Collian Bowl
November 7th North Coast Wine Handicap Pairs 3
November 14th Children in Need Simultaneous Pairs (ecats to confirm)
November 28th Mix and Match Teams
December 5th North Coast Wine Handicap Pairs 4
December 19th June Justice Individual Trophy and Christmas Party. Last bridge before break
January 2nd Bridge resumes. North Coast Wine Handicap Pairs 5
January 9th EBU Winter Simultaneous Pairs
January 16th Teams of Four Championship
January 30th Stratton Hospital/Leslie Davis Mix and Match
February 6th North Coast Wines Handicap Pairs 6
February 13th Club Championship Qualifying
March 6th North Coast Wine Handicap Pairs 5
March 13th John Ridding Club Championship and Club Plate
April 10th Annual General Meeting
The meeting closed at 6.45
The next meeting will be the AGM
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at the Parkhouse Centre on Tuesday 22nd November 2016 at 6.00pm
1. PRESENT: Neil Trenaman, Steven Clifton, Stephen Smith, Jane Koldewey, Ann Bennett, Linda Ashworth, Maureen Fallows, Chris Nichols, Christine Theobald, Bob Bennett (co-opted)
2. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss
a. The cancellation of Friday evening bridge and possible alternatives
b. Whether to enter Sim pairs events 2017
c. Lessons for beginners
Chris said that Wednesday players are beginning to come on Fridays.
It is the thought of 2 days in a row, and the pressure of competitive bridge, that seems to put people off coming on a Tuesday. Also, Fridays are perceived to be more relaxed and informal, less intense, than Tuesdays for the novice players.
Steve felt that if Fridays were cancelled the Wednesday people who have attended, or plan to attend. Fridays would not come on Tuesdays.
Stephen said that we should wait, we have several advertisements running which all include Fridays.
We decided that we would leave Wednesdays as they are because they are so popular. Attendees enjoy the friendly informality, and several just do not want to come out in the evenings, especially in the winter. They also enjoy the slower pace and fewer boards. At present the plan is to continue them until May.
Stephen said that we are planning a taster day on Thursday afternoon March 9th at 2pm. He will allocate jobs to volunteer helpers. We will approach the WI and U3A with publicity.
It was decided to continue as we are for the time being, and meet again on March 7th to discuss again.
It was decided that the main Christmas Party would be on the Wednesday, with mince pies on offer on Tuesday evening.
It was decided that we should enter the sims pairs events in 2017
It was noted that beginners have the option of paying c£100 for an intensive 10 week course with Mike Gregory, the qualified instructor who visited us a few months ago.
The meeting closed at 7.45
Date of next meeting 7th March 2017
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at the Parkhouse Centre
on Tuesday 14th June 2016 at 6.00pm
1. PRESENT: Neil Trenaman, Steven Clifton, Stephen Smith, Jane Koldewey, Ann Bennett, Linda Ashworth, Maureen Fallows
APOLOGIES: Chris Nichols, Christine Theobald.
2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING (17th May) agreed and signed.
3. MATTERS ARISING: We decided on the format for the raffle at the charity event next week. Maureen will buy raffle tickets and sell them. The prizes will be the four bottles of wine we have in the cupboard. Jane will email the membership, and we will announce it on Tuesday and Friday.
Ann will ask Trelawney tea rooms if they would have us again, proir to asking the membership if they would like to repeat last year's event there.
Director's rota: Steven will take on some of Linda's Tuesdays.
Alan Biggs' tutorials: He has seven people who wish to attend. Alan will contact them to arrange details and dates.
4. CHAIR’S REPORT: Neil told us that he and Sarah will be living in their house in Exeter between completing the sale of their bungalow and their new build home being ready. He plans to come to the club once a week during that time, but might not be able to fulfill all his directing commitments. Linda offered to step in if necessary.
7. Recruitment and optimising attendance:
We discussed optimising attendance. Ann explained what she is doing to find partners. We agreed that there was no more that could be done. We have 47 people who play on Tuesdays.
Steven has been asking people on Tuesdays if they would like to play on the Friday, and sometimes finding partners for them. This has been working well. Steven feels that if there are less than three tables on a Friday it is not worth running Fridays. We agreed we would watch table numbers and review whether we should cancel Fridays in the future.
An optional initial half hour of instruction before play on Wednesdays was suggested. We will ask attendees.
Recruitment: Steven stressed the necessity of this as our numbers are decreasing as people move away or retire from playing. It was agreed that Steven will meet with Mike Gregory (who has produced 64 club players since he started teaching at his Devon School of Bridge) to discuss Mike's methods of recruiting and keeping players. There is a dedicated member of staff at the EBU who can advise us. We decided that we should approach schools to offer instruction. The EBU does not have a letter format to use, they say it is better to personalise it for local use.
It was suggested that we advertise more.
We have a new partner-finding web page on our website. (Membership page). The committee members who have used it did not find it completely straightforward, although Chris, Neil and Steven had no problems Neil will ask Chris to circulate instructions for use. We praised it, but voiced concerns that some of our members are not confident using IT.
Date of the next meeting: To be decided.
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at the Parkhouse Centre
on Tuesday 17th May 2016 at 6.00pm
1. PRESENT: Neil Trenaman, Steven Clifton, Stephen Smith, Jane Koldewey, Linda Ashworth, Maureen Fallows, Chris Nichols, Christine Theobald.
APOLOGIES: Ann Bennett
2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING (2nd February) agreed and signed.
4. CHAIR’S REPORT: Neil said that he was looking forward to the challenge of being chairman. The committee thanked him.
5. SECRETARY’S REPORT: The silver bottle label for the John and Bill Grand Slam prize has been found. Jane will present it to Alan Biggs when he next attends the club.
6. TREASURER’S REPORT: We have made £16.00 profit since the last report. (AGM)
Following the change of Chairman, it was agreed that Neil Trenaman should be added to the bank mandate in the place of Chris Nichols.
7. Results of Survey: 34 members responded.
Most members wanted to continue with Friday evening bridge but 7 members would prefer to substitute it with an afternoon session in the Autumn/Winter. However 5 of these were Wednesday afternoon players who do not attend Friday evenings anyway.
There was strong support for afternoon sessions to recommence in September and the vast majority preferred Wednesdays.
The membership supported play on both Wednesday afternoons and Friday evenings.
38 different persons have attended Friday evenings in 2016 so far but out of those only 19 are regulars which means that it only needs a few regulars to be on holiday, be ill or have other commitments for it to drop below 4 Tables which is what has happened.
(Brian Relton told Chris that at Newquay they are often down to two and a half tables, playing once a week. So Bude is not alone in having declining numbers of players.)
There are committee members prepared to run Wednesday afternoons. Bob offered to be available from Sept. to June. Bob and Stephen will lead Wednesdays.
Several members would welcome instruction. Alan Biggs has offered lessons for improvers, so far 5 members have shown interest. Neil will contact Alan to accept his offer, and ask for details.
8. Directors' rota. Chris suggested that Neil and Steven should direct some Tuesdays, to further their experience with competitions, etc. He also suggested that Bob and Stephen could attend the last two sessions of a director's course at present underway. Linda said that she was happy to continue.
9. Trelawney Tea Rooms - do we want to repeat this event this year? The feedback was that the venue and food were good. Christine did report that one member who attended Trelawney criticised the food but all the committee members who had attended, disagreed and thought the food was excellent.
The problems were parking and late cancellations from members.
Linda suggested the possibility of going back to Trencreek but this was not supported. We should email members and ask whether they would like to go back to Trelawney this year.
10. Cornwall Simultaneous pairs for ‘Precious Lives’ Charity. It was suggested we charge £2 table money and hold a raffle. We have some spare bottles of wine for prizes. We could ask for donations. Jane will chase up the fliers and take some to the Barnstaple clubs.
We decided that we would not charge extra table money for the Precious Lives night - just a raffle and donations with the club picking up the £2 a head donation.
11. Specific roles for Committee members and whether designated Deputy required: We decided that the current system works well enough.
12. Recruiting new members. These usually come to us via the website. There are three interested beginners, Neil is already instructing two of them.
Steven felt that we should advertise more, too many people were unaware of Bude Bridge Club. He suggested a Facebook page and fliers. We produced fliers and distributed them extensively a couple of years ago but they had no obvious effect. Chris said that he would put up a Facebook page.
We also thought that we should approach schools to see if they are interested in starting bridge.
We feel that more aggressive partner-finding is needed. There are quite a few people who don't ask Ann, but wait to be invited by someone to play. There are others who don't wish for a general email because they wish to control who they play with. Steven suggested Jane sends out an email on Wednesdays asking if there is anyone available to play on Friday who has yet to find a partner. (Note: Ann was not present, and as she is the designated partner finder this needs to be discussed with her.)
13. Any other business: none
Date of the next meeting: Tues. 14th June 2016
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at the Parkhouse Centre
on Tuesday 2nd February 2016 at 6.00pm
1. PRESENT: Chris Nichols, Stephen Smith, Linda Ashworth, Ann Bennet, Steven Clifton, Maureen Fallows, Christine Theobald.
APOLOGIES: Neil Trenaman, Jane Koldewey
2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING agreed and signed.
6. TREASURER’S REPORT: All still fine. Wednesday afternoons are showing a profit of £300.
7. Roles during Committee Absences:
Neil’s roles – Chris (until Feb 25th)
Ann’s role – Steven (until April 20th)
Stephen’s roles – chequebook Chris (Council and biscuits), Table money Maureen
8. AGM: Committee for 2016 -2017
Our Chair Chris is resigning.
Willing to stand:
Chair – Neil
Vice - Steven
Secretary – Jane
Treasurer – Stephen
Partners – Ann
Social – Christine
Stationery – Maureen
General – Linda
9. Programme 2016/17:
Individual at Xmas party – celebratory
Mix and match November 29th
Mixed Teams
County Pairs June 21st or 28th
Wednesday Trophy in March
10. Recruitment:
We should try to get Wednesday members to Club Plate
A Wednesday member on the Committee?
Move one of the evening sessions to an afternoon?
11. Any Other Business:
It was decided to buy 12 Club mugs and let members know.
Date of the next meeting: AGM Tues. 12th April 2016
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at the Parkhouse Centre
on Tuesday 8th December 2015 at 6.00pm
1. PRESENT: Chris Nichols, Neil Trenaman, Stephen Smith, Jane Koldewey, Linda Ashworth, Ann Bennet, Maureen Fallows, Christine Theobald.
APOLOGIES: Steven Clifton
2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING (7th July) agreed and signed.
3. MATTERS ARISING: Christine said that the teatowels were always present and that they were a bit cleaner now.
4. CHAIR’S REPORT: We were very sad to hear of the untimely death of Sandra Hayden. Chris and Christine attended her funeral, also Mike Quartermain.
6. TREASURER’S REPORT: From the start of the financial year in April until end of November the club lost £157.00. However the raised table money did not begin until Sept. 1st. The Wednesday afternoons have brought in good revenue.
The total of our funds is £3,390.00.
Stephen replied to a question: the total annual rental we pay to the Parkhouse is £2,800.00.
Maureen will act as treasurer while the Smiths are away in the New Year.
7. Attendance in the New Year (Chris): Evening bridge sessions will have lower attendance as three of our core pairs will be away for extended periods of travel. Ann (partner liaison) feels that everything possible is already being done to find partners and boost attendance. Ann asked if someone else could run the partner-finding service while she is away in Feb., March and April. It was suggested we ask Steven Clifton.
8. Christmas Party (Chris): Neil has kindly offered to run this as Chris is unable to be there. Jane will also be away, so Christine (1 doz) and Maureen (2 doz) have offered to organise mince pies. Stephen will bring a large bottle of coke and Ann some ginger beer or lemonade.
We decided to buy 12 bottles of wine from North Coast Wines to support them, thanking them for their sponsorship of our club. Jane suggested that if we have too much left over we could sell the bottles to members at cost.
Stephen suggested we prepare a notice for display at North Coast Wines advertising their sponsorship of our club. This would be of mutual benefit, and we could supply some fliers containing our details in case anyone is interested.
9. Bridgemates (Steven): Steven has told us that some members have requested we use them. Chris told us that we no longer keep the county bridgemates. We would have to buy a set if we wish to use the system. We did not feel the need for such an expense, and Chris told us that our scorers are happy in their work! We also wondered whether, if we wait, they may improve and/or become cheaper in the future.
10. Update on Wednesday afternoons (Neil): Neil told us that these have been very sucessful. Apart from one 'blip' with only two tables playing, they have been well-attended and have averaged 5 tables. We will continue them from 6th Jan to 23rd March.
Neil thanked Ann and Bob, Sarah (Trenaman) and Stephen and Micheline for their great contribution. In the New Year there will three weeks during which all the usual organisers will be away. Chris has offered to run the sessions during this period.
Wed. afternoons have attracted 7 newcomers, 6 of which play regularly and 4 have joined the club.
11. Former members - Peggy and Jean (Chris): Both Peggy Cann and Jean Hemmerle have retired from playing bridge this year. They have both been members and regular players almost since the start of our club over thirty years ago. Stephen suggested that we make them 'patrons' and send them news bulletins and committee minutes. Christine told us they both requested no fuss over their departure. It was suggested we send them a Christmas card every year. We decided the Christmas card would be more welcome. Jane will do this.
12. Any other business: Stephen was concerned that the AGM comes up very quickly after his return from their trip. It will suit him, and others of us, to defer the AGM a week, and hold it on 12th April 2016.
Jane will inform the membership after Christmas.
The meeting closed at 6.45
Date of the next meeting: Tues. 2nd February 2016
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at the Parkhouse Centre on Tuesday 7th July 2015 at 6.00pm
1. PRESENT: Chris Nichols, Neil Trenaman, Stephen Smith, Jane Koldewey, Linda Ashworth, Ann Bennett, Steven Clifton, Maureen Fallows, Christine Theobald. APOLOGIES: none
2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING (17th February) agreed and signed. 3. MATTERS ARISING: none
4. CHAIR’S REPORT: We were very sad to hear of the death of Marian Grimshaw. She played at our club for many years.
6. TREASURER’S REPORT: We have £60 less than at our last meeting four months ago, plus about £90 outstanding for groceries. This is what we expected. Attendance is down about one table per evening from last year. If we follow our suggestion of raising Tuesday's table money to £2.50 in September (approved at the AGM) we could be £230 in profit after 4 mths.
It was agreed to go ahead with this.
Christine noted that we pay £5 per evening for kitchen use. There is often no hot water and the tea towels are dirty. It was pointed out that this kitchen is so far from the boiler that, although there is hot water, it takes too long to arrive. Linda said she would mention tea towels to the caretaker. We felt that we should not pay the full £5 when we have to share the kitchen.
Total in the bank is £3,487.00.
7. Feedback from June Justice individual: This seems to be less and less popular. The suggestion was made that we have a fun individual at the Christmas Party and abandon the competition in its present form. Agreed.
Linda suggested that the named competitions should return to being held mostly in the winter.
8. Members whose health problems are affecting their play or conduct. We feel that in general there is little we can do in a general way, apart from removing them from our email circulars for finding partners.
9. Missing trophies: The glass bowl from the June Justice Trophy has mysteriously vanished from the club cupboard. We have the base with the engravings. Maureen very kindly offered to present a similar bowl to the club, she had won it at a golf tournament and is happy to do this. We thanked her very much.
The silver bottle label that is presented with the bottle of whisky for the Bill and John grand slam prize is missing. The 2014 winner has no recollection of it and cannot find it. Stephen will check the club records to see if its purchase is recorded, if so Jane can find out if it is worth claiming on our insurance policy for these items.
10. Update on Wednesday afternoons: These will run 30th September - 9th December. If successful they will resume Jan. - March. They will be run as no fear playing sessions of 14 - 18 boards by Stephen and Micheline, Neil and Sarah and Ann and Bob. There will be a host so people without partners can attend. They will not be suitable for absolute beginners. Hopefully players will gain enough confidence to attend our evening sessions.
11. Winter lessons: The strong response to an advertisement placed in the Kilkhampton local paper by a bridge player suggests that there are people who would like to learn the game. The Trenamans and Bennetts are prepared to run beginners' classes. Neil will speak to the advertiser, and perhaps we should advertise in the local press.
12. A social event: Ann has spoken with the Trelawney Tea Rooms, they will host us for an evening meal and bridge for £13 a head (20 - 32 people), any day of the week. We must avoid the Cornwall congress with our date.
The meeting closed at 6.54 Date of the next meeting to be decided.
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held at the Parkhouse Centre on Tuesday 18th September at 6.00pm
Chris Nichols, Mary Hicks, Linda Ashworth, Kathleen Bence, Neil Trenaman, Alan Biggs, Jane Koldewey
Agreed and signed, proposed by Kathleen, seconded by Neil.
Chris spoke of our shock and sadness at John Ridding's sudden passing, and of how much we will miss him. 17 club members attended John's funeral, more came to the wake at the Parkhouse Centre. The club sent a bridge-themed floral tribute. This cost £100 and it was agreed that the club should pay.
Alliance and Leicester Current A/c £1,156.98
Petty cash £5.01
Standard Life Savings A/c closed
Deposit A/c £3,000.07
TOTAL £4,162.06
7. Committee roles and 10. Delegation of functions
Chris Nichols agreed to be Acting Chair until next year's AGM. It was agreed that Neil Trenaman should become the Acting Vice Chair. This was proposed by Linda and seconded by Jane.
Kathleen Bence is prepared to actively find partners for players, keeping an eye on welfare at the same time.
The directors' rota will be arranged between our four directors, Chris, Linda, Neil and Steven Clifton.
Jane will join the Law and Ethics Committee.
Maureen Fallows will be asked to take on the role of stationery secretary
Stephen Smith has offered help. Alan said we should accept his offer with enthusiasm! Asking Stephen to help with organisation of Wednesday afternoon classes was discussed.
The keyholders are Mary, Neil, Linda, Chris and Jenny Tregarthen. Maureen will need a key.
8. Tribute to John
It was decided to rename the Club Championships the John Ridding Club Championships. (Afternote: when this was announced to the club members there was applause.)
Barnstaple Bridge Club wish to start a Bude-Barnstaple team competition in memory of John. We will discuss this further with them.
9. Wednesday sessions
The Parkhouse Centre is booked from the beginning of October for the sessions to begin. We will ask attendees what they wish to gain from these, and after the second week make a plan based on their wishes. The sessions will be 'led' by willing volunteers on a rota, preferably experienced members with a sound knowledge of Acol.
Chris and Alan offered to hold weekly evening training sessions in their homes, starting at the end of October (Chris's on Wednesdays, Alan's on Mondays) The training will be for four players at a time who have desire to learn more about an aspect of bridge.
Chris has arranged to attend a course to become a qualified EBU teacher.
10. Delegation of functions. See 7
11. Possible co-option
It was proposed by Alan and seconded by Mary that we co-opt Steven Clifton onto the committee if he is willing to serve.
12. Constitution
Chris and Neil will prepare a draft for the committee to approve.
13. AOB
It was decided that only the club members who primary club is Bude will be eligible for subsidised sims entry fees. This means that it will not be necessary to calculate whether they have played at Bude more than 7 times in the previous year (see minutes of last meeting).
The meeting closed at 6.48pm
The date of the next meeting is Tuesday 9th October at 6pm