Buchanan Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
News Page

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".


Members should note that even after 6.00pm, cars must be parked in the designated bays. Although there are no yellow lines, parking in areas outside designated bays is not permitted at any time, and these areas must be left clear.

Last updated : 12th May 2024 12:19 BST
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Members will no doubt be aware of changes to data protection law (the new General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR) and will have received numerous communications from banks and other organisations on the matter.

The committee has been advised by the SBU that these changes also apply to membership organisations such as bridge clubs, and that we should have in place a privacy policy which sets out what personal data the club holds on its members and what is done with it.  Helpfully, the SBU has provided a model format which has been adapted for Buchanan Bridge Club and the club policy is now enclosed for your information; please do read it.

The club gathers only a little personal data, via your membership form (e.g. name, contact details, SBU number), and it is only shared with the likes of the SBU and West District as necessary for the function of a bridge club.  Details are given in the club Privacy Policy which can be viewed here.

Naturally, you have the right of correction or deletion of data, and how to do so is explained in the policy.

If you are content you need take no further action.  However, if you do have any concerns, feel free to raise them; how to do so is explained in the policy.

Last updated : 16th Aug 2018 15:47 GMT
Not getting emails from the club?

If you discover that you are not receiving emails from the club, then they have probably been put in your Spam folder.
To avoid this, simply create a contact called Buchanan with the email address -    members@bridgewebsemail.com

Last updated : 26th Jul 2014 08:58 GMT
Sale of raffle tickets, etc

Following a Committee decision, the sale of raffle tickets and the soliciting of donations by individual members are only permitted when sponsored by the Club or the Club Committee. Thank you for your understanding.

Last updated : 16th Aug 2015 20:57 GMT
Find a Partner

The Find a Partner facility operates in parallel with the Standby system. Login with your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password you can request a new one online by clicking the Forgotten Password button. Once you are logged in, click the Find a Partner tab.

Last updated : 1st Aug 2014 17:25 GMT
Simultaneous Pairs - A guide for players

There appear to be a lot of Simultaneous Pairs competitions in the calendar, so here is a quick guide to these events.
Simultaneous Pairs are basically ordinary match-pointed events where the same hands are being played in many clubs at the same time, allowing players to compare their scores with not just their club members but with hundreds or even thousands of other pairs throughout the country. Usually, at the end of play, everyone receives an informative hand commentary booklet written by an expert player.

The SBU Simultaneous Pairs and the Bobby Allan (for mixed pairs) are both Scottish events run by the SBU and are held in October and January respectively. In addition, our district runs a series of West District Simultaneous Pairs, and we play in the November and April competitions. Traditionally, to support the District, the club requires all sections to play in the April event. The SBU (along with other home unions) also runs the Celtic Simultaneous Pairs to raise funds for its international teams. Periodically, the club receives invitations to participate in other simultaneous events, and the committee decides whether to proceed on a case-by-case basis.

Last updated : 16th Aug 2015 20:58 GMT