Broxbourne Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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  Committee meeting notes
Committee meeting held at 11am Wednesday Jan 16th

Present:  Stan Frost, Tony Clayton,Sheila, Evans John Leake, Sue Devine,Marion Haldane.

1.   It was agreed that we would buy another bridge table so that we now have 13 tables.

2.   It was agreed that we will now award BLUE POINTS for our main Club Championship ,  comp, as a trial,

3.   The EBU have advised clubs to up date their constitutions with regard to  some recent legal     problems in other Bridge Clubs. John Leake has agreed to look into this and report back

4.    It was suggested that Directors need not pay their table money  for the session that they direct, we decided to leave it up to the discretion of the Director concerned.

5. We have decided for now not to have a limit on new members, but to keep a close eye on the numbers and limit new members if we feel the need arises in the future.

6. It was felt that the Christmas parties were a great success last year, but very expensive and the feeling was that we would provide the same level of food,provide wine & soft drinks with the meal, but not have the free bar.  It was suggested that the food should perhaps be served at 7pm for the Thursday club  so we ate first before bridge . This will be put to the vote at the AGM ( if you will not be there can you make your view known to a member of the Committee beforehand.

7.  We discussed  buying BRIDGEMATES  so we can have electronic instant scoring and results,  we are researching the costs, and we will canvass your opinions at the AGM