Bridgwater and Cannington Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
Welcome to Bridgwater and Cannington Bridge Club
Club details
Club details

Bridgwater & Cannington Bridge Club

Wembdon Parish Centre, Bridgwater TA6 7RR

7pm start please arrive by 6.45pm to assist director

Table money £3 members, £4 for visitors includes refreshments

(£2, £1 or 50p coins only please)

Annual Membership £5  

Competition Winners 2022/23

Cyril Douglas Cup

Winner           Pam Roots  2095.33 Match Points over 41 sessions

Runner up     Peter Johnstone  1993.33    Match Points over 39 sessions

P & D Heal Cup

Winners   Daphne Greatorex & David Auld    2589.17 Match Points over 40 sessions

Runners up Mike Cotterill & Annie Holder         2357.12 Match points  over 38 sesssions


Help and Tips for happy bridge play

Bridgwater and Cannington Bridge Clubs


Find a Partner


The web site has now been set up to assist you to find a partner on selected dates.

On the Home page there is a 'Find a Partner' tile (13th down) on the left hand side.

If there are no entries you may wish to put your own request into this facility as follows:

Log in, by clicking on the 'Membership' tile (10th down) on the left hand side of the Home Page.

You will be asked for your email address and password to access the Members Only section.

The first time, you will need to enter your email address and then 'click' on 'forgotten password'. The system will then send a link to your email address, giving you the opportunity to choose your own password.

Click on 'New Message' and then either choose the third option, showing dates for the following two weeks for a prepared message, or enter your own message in the section further down.

'Save' your entry and then log off.

If you look in 'Find a Partner' (4th tile) on the Home page, you will now see your entry and any others looking for partners.


Helpful hints (tips) for club players

Scoring Travellers

In order to speed up the game, players are asked to score the traveller as soon as the hand is played and then go on to the next hand without too much discussion or analysis. If all boards in the round are completed ahead of other players, they can be reviewed afterwards, or even at the end of the evening/afternoon session.

North should always complete the traveller first, and pass it to East to check, before filling in their own score card. EAST must check not only that the score entered is correct but also that the score is entered in the correct column, and that the pair numbers are correct. The Director may penalise pairs where this information is entered incorrectly.

Rule Infringements

As a general rule the Director must be called if infringements occur.

Typically these infringements are:

  • Lead out of turn

  • Bid out of turn

  • Revoke

  • Insufficient bid

It is important to let the Director advise rather than other players at the table, as this may give an unfair advantage to the non-offending side.

Director Removed Boards

It is sometimes necessary for the Director to ask players to forfeit the playing of a board, normally because of ‘slow play’ at that, or another/ previous table.

Directors will always try to avoid this, especially as some players may still be learning, and some boards need extra thought in order for the contract to be made. 

However the needs of the majority must be considered, and if a table is still bidding their last hand, it is not fair for the rest of the players (often 20+ others)) to be kept waiting for another 5-10 mins.

Players will not necessarily be disadvantaged if the board is not played, as it will be removed from the scoring, rather than averaged.

The Directors are there to help and not penalise, so please use them and accept their decision with good grace

Keep the play friendly!!



Club Duplicate
Director: Mike Cotterill
Scorer: Mike Cotterill
Club Duplicate
Director: Mike Cotterill
Scorer: Mike Cotterill
Club Duplicate
Director: Mike Cotterill
Scorer: Mike Cotterill
Club Duplicate
Director: Mike Cotterill
Scorer: Mike Cotterill
Club Duplicate
Director: John Scotford
Scorer: John Scotford
Club Duplicate
Director: Mike Cotterill
Scorer: Mike Cotterill
Thu 18th Jul 2024
Club Duplicate
Wembdon 7pm
Thu 25th Jul 2024
Thu 1st Aug 2024
Club Duplicate
Wembdon 7pm
Thu 8th Aug 2024
Club Duplicate
Wembdon 7pm
Thu 15th Aug 2024
Club Duplicate
Wembdon 7pm
Thu 22nd Aug 2024
Club Duplicate
Wembdon 7pm