SpadeHeart  DiamondClub
Release 2.19o
Weekly Games Available

Weekly duplicate tournaments include the Ruff Club in Camden (Friday evenings) and Kingston Bridge Club on Thursday evenings.  There is also a full club duplicate at the London Mindsports Centre, Hammersmith on the third Tuesday evening of each month

Daytime social bridge with advice available contiues on Tuesday afternoons at Chiswick Tennis Club W4 3EU (2.00-4.30pm) and at Our Lady Queen of Peace TW10 5AN on Thursday mornings (9.30am-12noon)

Our online games also continue.

New Venue For Tuesday Evening Duplicate
New Venue For Tuesday Evening Duplicate

Ned Paul Bridge is playing live on Tuesday evenings at the new London Mindsports Centre 'LMC' in Hammersmith.  Thie game is run in the name of New Chiswick Bridge Club and I am pleased to say many of the NCBC players have made the transition from Chiswick Tennis Club and are happy with the bigger attendance we are now getting.    Find the Mindsports Centre at 21-23 Dalling Road, Hammersmith, W6 0JD.  Nearest tube Ravenscourt Park (3 minutes, but stairs) or many Hammersmith buses (alight at Ravenscourt Park Station stop in King Street).  Street parking is possible but allow time.  We play bridge on the ground floor with level access.  There is a licensed bar for drinks, tea/coffee, and light meals, sandwiches and snacks.

Please note the 'senior' bridge client of the LMC is Young Chelsea BC.  Our game is independently organised and not associated with YCBC.  We aim for our game to be a welcoming social game for ALL players, intermediate and above.  New players are always welcome and single players will always get a game. 


John Balson Remembered

The late John Balson died at the Princess Alice Hospice Esher in 2019. In March 2021 we ran a memorial bridge day in his name that raised a massive £5,000+ for the Hospice.

Here is a bridge story that typifies John. You deal and hold:

♠ A K Q 9 8 3
♥ A Q
♦ A 9 4 2
♣ K

You are behind in a match you need to win and the boards are running out.  You open 2♣ and partner responds 3♣, a positive response promising 8+hcp and two of the top three honours in clubs. What is your rebid and what was the late John Balson's rebid?  Fot the answer click on this link.

Cafe Bridge

For up-to-date Cafe Bridge News and Fixtures check out Victor Lesk's Cafe Bridge Page

New for 2021 - Partner Finder Service

New for 2021 is the Bridgewebs 'Partner Finder' service, which you can use for any advertised online tournament. 

Click  the 'Find a Partner' link above.  To register for the service, you will need to enter your EBU number and your email address. You will be sent a link to your private 'member's area' on this website. When activated this will allow you to choose sessions where you need a partner. 

If you have difficulty registering (or do not have an EBU number yet) please send an email to Ned ( and we will send you your number and confirm your entry in our players' list.

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News Page

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

New Beginner Course May 2021
New Beginner Course May 2021

New Beginner Course in May! 

Join us for an online beginner course in May. Eight sessions, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.00pm, from Tuesday May 11th 2021. Absolute beginners and refreshers equally welcome. Register with or without a partner. Limited to 8 players. In the picture is Liz Gahan, English Bridge Union Young Player of the Year, who will be your teacher.


Bridge is a challenging game for teams of two and regarded as the champion of card games.  You play with a partner throughout each deal.  Do not worry if you don't have a pre-arranged partner - we will match you up with another single player. 

Bridge has two phases – the 'bidding' and the card play. In the bidding you compete with the other partnership to say how many tricks you will win (a 'trick is a round of four cards, one from each player, and the highest card wins). The bidding also determines the 'trump' suit for each deal. Players get the best out of the game when they agree a structured 'bidding system' with their partner.  There are many established bidding systems.

After the bidding the play starts and you try and win the tricks you predicted!  Sounds simple but trickier than it looks.

Bridge has great 'lastabiity' and once you get the bug, it can offer you a lifetime of enjoyment and friendship. 

The Course

Your course will start with ‘mini-bridge’, which is a gentle introduction to the basis of bridge and the card play. You will then be introduced to the bidding and a bidding system while continuing to work on your card play skills. The bidding system that you will learn will be ACOL which is the standard system played in bridge clubs across the UK. Learning this system will allow you to play with a variety of partners as you progress. This course will give you the skills and confidence to play socially among friends and family while also, allowing you to understand the steps to advance further, such as structured practice and playing club bridge.

The Format

The course will consist of eight 1½ hour lessons using a combination of Zoom and the bridge platform Bridgebase Online (BBO). Teacher Liz Gahan has created a collection of images and instructions to help users set up and understand both of these programs before the course begins.

Says Liz, 'I have found that this is the best approach as I can use the Zoom settings to share my screen and display a PowerPoint or a set of cards. I have also found that sending notes to the students before each session has helped them by having a visual aid printed (or online) as they learn.'

Students may choose to read and understand some of the content before the lesson which helps prevent lapses in understanding between lessons.

More on Your Teacher

We are fortunate to be able to offer you Liz Gahan as your teacher, one of the best new young teachers of bridge there is.  Liz is currently in her first year studying Security and Crime Science at University College London (So no cheating!).

Liz started playing bridge in primary school at the age of 9 and has since progressed to compete internationally in both the England Under 21 mixed team and England Under 26 women. Last year, Liz was honoured to receive the English Bridge Union Young Player of the Year award.

Liz reallys enjoy teaching and hopes to pass on her passion for the game of bridge in this course.

Course Dates

Tuesday May 11th - 7.00 - 8.30pm Thursday May 13th - 7.00 - 8.30pm
Tuesday May 18th - 7.00 - 8.30pm Thursday May 20th - 7.00 - 8.30pm
Tuesday May 25th - 7.00 - 8.30pm Thursday May 27th - 7.00 - 8.30pm
Tuesday June 1st - 7.00 - 8.30pm Thursday June 3rd - 7.00pm - 8.30pm

Course Fee

The fee for the course is £60pp, including tuition, playing practice, all supporting notes and membership of the English Bridge Union. 

To Register For The Course

To register for the course please email Ned Paul at We will confirm that places are available (capacity is limited, but we will repeat the course as required). The place(s) will be held for you while payment is made. Payment should be made by BACS transfer and we will send the necessary bank details with acknowledgement.  On receipt of payment Liz will send instructions about joining BBO and Zoom and a few days before the course starts we will send you a reminder email with the Zoom link needed to join the lessons. 

Any further queries are welcome and can be mailed to Ned Paul as above, or speak to Ned on 07792 715517.  Thank you. 

Last updated : 9th Aug 2024 15:28 BST
Bridge in The Surrey Hills

The Wotton House weekend was a great success.  Thank you all for coming.  Results in the results calendar.

Last updated : 29th Nov 2016 08:47 GMT
Walter's Birthday Bash - 16th July 2013

Close fought individual at the Hogarth Club but when the music stopped it was Marian Diviney in front! Congratulations to Marian and thanks to Lee and Walter for a great day! Click the link below for results.

Last updated : 12th Dec 2013 15:55 GMT
Wotton House June 28-30 2103

Results from the main bridge events at Wotton House are available on the results page.  Click 'Results Calendar' opposite to see them.

Last updated : 12th Dec 2013 15:54 GMT
Chiswick Cafe Bridge - May 21st 2013

Chiswick Cafe Bridge have been updated and should now be displaying accurately on this site. Thanks to Gwynne Hughes of Bridgewebs for a swift bug fix. A small number of corrections have been made since the results were announced on the day.   Results are additionally being displayed here.

Last updated : 12th Dec 2013 15:53 GMT
Lee's Birthday Bash - 24th Sept. 2012

A brilliant day out with Lee Byram, celebrating his birthday with a 21-player individual held at the Hogarth Club, Chiswick. Top of the heap when the music stopped was David Carhart.  Click the results link for full details.   Thanks to Lee for hosting us and to the Hogarth Club for looking after us so well.

Last updated : 12th Dec 2013 15:53 GMT