Welcome to a whole word of fun playing the game and enjoyment meeting other players of the game.
The best way to learn bridge from the beginning is with a teacher.
During normal times face to face beginners courses are available from bridge clubs, and from teachers in other settings including holiday and cruise companies.
During lock down there are growing numbers of teachers offering online courses.
It is possible to learn from books, a web site or from bridge software or apps but find a teacher or friends to play with as soon as you can..
No Fear Bridge - The top UK learning web site |
 This is a long established, high quality, bridge learning web site.
Teach yourself using "Learning Paths" for beginners and improvers.
Hints, quizzes, practice hands and tutorials on a wide variety of bidding and playing topics.
English "Acol" AND American systems taught.
Many teachers work with No Fear Bridge, are listed on it, and use its materials to deliver online courses.
Look for free trial offer.
Click to have a look
Andrew Robson - Learn Bridge F2F in West London |
Harold Schogger |

Learn Bridge Online
The Online Bridge School |
 Teacher led online learning
Professional Teacher Subscription Services |
Vu-Bridge |
Provided by ALFleming/PlayBridge, this service provides a chance to interact with hands set up on the web site. Hints are provided.