Boundary Bridge Club
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If you are looking for a partner, Maria Haworth may be able to help.  

Tel nos 01743 350996 and 07528 086584




Club Notices






1.        The Club shall be known as “The Boundary Bridge Club” – an ACOL club.   The strength of a no trump should always be stated before bidding commences.


2.        The Club shall be run by a Committee of not less than six persons, who may offer themselves for re-election annually.


3.        The President and Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and serve for a period of one year.  They may offer themselves for re-election.

4.        The Committee reserve the right to co-opt members should it become necessary.

5.        An Annual General Meeting shall be held during October in each year.

6.        The annual subscription shall become due on the first day of November each year.  Any annual subscription not paid by the end of November will result in automatic termination of membership, except in extenuating circumstances and agreed by the Committee.

7.        The annual subscription shall be determined by the Committee and approved at the Annual General Meeting.

8.        Visitors may attend up to five times per year, providing the Chairperson has given permission prior to the visit.  The visitors fee will be determined by the Committee.  There will be an annual review of visitor attendance by the Committee.

9.        A person must attend as a visitor three times before making an application for membership.  Application for membership must be made on the appropriate form, which must be signed by the proposer and seconder.  Applications will be considered by the Committee and, if approved, the applicant’s name will be placed on the waiting list.  This list is limited to twelve names.  After an applicant’s name is placed on the waiting list they may attend as a visitor for a further five times in the year ending with the AGM.

10.      Smoking is not permitted during play.

11.      The Committee reserves the right to terminate any membership

12.      The Chairperson has both a vote as an individual and a casting vote by reason of the office held.

13.      A Competition Secretary shall be appointed each year amongst whose duties will be the determination of the winner of the Club Shield.

