Real bridge ONLINE with real people that you can see and hear is now available with Borehamwood and Elstree U3A duplicate bridge.
We will start at 10.00.a.m.
If you would like to play please contact us at,
Email: borehamwoodduplicatebridge@outlook.com
Numbers will be restricted so let us know ASAP
The link below will test to see if your camera is working with any of the following:
Computer, laptop, Iphone, tablet or an Ipad ( the ipad must not be older than 5 years)
CLICK HERE https://play.realbridge.online/camera.html
In order to prepare for this we would like some information from you if you would like to play.
You will also need a decent internet connection, the system don't work if the connection is flaky.
Please EMAIL BACK to say,
if your camera is working and also to tell us if you have played bridge online.
You should note that you will need one device per person (couples cannot share a device)
A season ticket is required.
Jane and Malcolm