2475 W Atlantic Ave, Delray Beach, Florida 33445
Phone: (561) 558-7362 Email: bocabridge@gmail.com
Welcome to the Boca Delray Duplicate Bridge Club, located at Temple Sinai at 2475 W Atlantic Ave in Delray Beach, Florida just west of Congress Ave. Our games are held Monday through Thursday, starting at 12:30 p.m. Friday at 12 p.m. and Sunday at 1 p.m.
Our telephone number for reservations and information is 561-558-7362.
We are an ACBL-sanctioned "Zero-Tolerance Club." Proper behavior is expected at all times.
We use random, pre-dealt hands thanks to TheCommonGame.com.
Scoring is done by the latest and greatest electronic scoring system, Bridgemate II. Hand records are available at the conclusion of each game.
We ask that you do not wear perfume or scented products--many people are allergic or chemically sensitive and may become ill. In addition, every pair has to have a completed convention card-ACBL requirement.