Release 2.19r
Simultaneous Pairs
What are Simutaneous Pairs events?

These are duplicate pairs competitions played with the same pre-dealt hands in many clubs across a wide geographic area.  Since each club effectively plays the same hands all of the scores can be combined as if it was one large event.  We end up with the results for our normal club duplicate scored on the evening and a further set of results, which is produced later, for the the larger event.  It can take several days for the combined scores to filter through because each club which participated has to submit their results to the organisers.
After each event there is usually a booklet detailing the hands that have been played, accompanied by commentaries written by experts. Players can use these booklets and the scores and rankings compiled and reported over the internet to compare their performance.  This helps to make these events both challenging and fun.

Table Money for Simultaneous Pairs events
The table money charged for these Simultaneous Pairs events reflects the additional fees that are payable to the organisers.  The additional table money for the annual Children In Need event goes to the charitable appeal with only minimal charges for printing. 
Masterpoints for Simultaneous Pairs

Master Points are awarded by the club in the usual way for all simultaneous events based on our own results as an individual club.  If you are a member of the club these will be credited directly to your account at the English Bridge Union.  If you are a visitor you will need to provide us with a valid EBU membership number to ensure that they are credited to you.  < for a more detailed guide to Master Points please click here >

With the exception of The WorldWide Bridge Challenge, further points are awarded by the organisers for positions in the combined event and in the case of the EBU, EBED (English Bridge Education & Development) and British Bridge events these will include Blue Points for the top third of the field. These will be credited directly to your account in the same fashion, albeit the awards will not be made until the entire event has been finalised, which will usually be several weeks later.

The World Wide Bridge Contest is sponsored by the World Bridge Federation and who award their own World Year Points and for 2017 they are also offering the possibility of qualifying to play in a final in Beijing in September 2017 with expenses paid! See here for details

Visitors and Non-members

Non-members are welcome to any of these Simultaneous Pairs events, subject to our usual visitor policy.  In the, albeit unlikely, event that we are oversubscribed priority will always be given to our members.

Further information
Further information

Prior to April 2012 all of the simultaneous pairs events were organised by ECATS Bridge but latterly they have only been responsible for the charitable event for the Children in Need appeal and the World Wide Bridge Contest.  All other events are now organised by the EBU and there are full details on the EBU website.