Birr 66 Bridge Club
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15th May 2024 21:01 BST
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News Page
This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
Final Night - 2024
  • Club Pairs Winners 2024
  • Final Night pics
  • Final night pictures
  • Individual Prize Winners 2024
  • Players 2024
  • Players on the night
  • Players on the night 5
  • Presidents Prize Winners 2024
  • Team of Four Runners Up 2024

On 13th May the Club held there A.G.M. and following its conclusion all adjourned upstairs for the final night dinner. The menu gave everyone a great choice, and the food served up was exceptional. All present had the highest of praise for the quality and service provided. All one can say to the staff is take a well earned bow and we express our sincere thanks each of them. Again, our sincere thanks to all in the County Arms Hotel. The night ended with the presentation of prizes for four competitions played during the season. The Team of Four, the Individual, Club Pairs, and the President’s Prize. 

Winners of the President’s Prize – Delia Naughton, Incoming President Mary Kelly and Phyllis Dooley
Winners of the Team of Four – Anne Kenny, Doreen McKenna, Una O'Gorman and Peter O'Meara
Winner of the Individual – Mary Sullivan 
Winners of the Club Pairs – Sadie Leonard and Gay Halvey

Last updated : 15th May 2024 21:01 BST