Bracknell Bridge League
Release 2.19q
Participating Clubs and Teams (2024-25 Season)


Bracknell Forest



Loddon Vale
Yateley and Hawley


Joyce Baldock

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of the BBL treasurer, Joyce Baldock, who died in Basingstoke hospital a few days ago. Joyce had been treasurer for the league for the best part of 20 years. She started playing in the league for Crowthorne in the late 70s and in the early 90s switched her allegiance to Aerospace for whom she continued to play up to the time of her admission into hospital. Joyce was also a long-standing member of both the Reading and Farnham Bridge clubs and was a regular team member of the Reading’s team-of-eight in the Berks and Bucks County League. As well as serving on the BBL committee, she also served in several capacities over the years on the committees of both Reading and Farnham and the County.

Away from the bridge table, Joyce was a very active member of her local church, gave much of her time to voluntary work and was a member of a choral society.

The funeral will be held at 2pm on Tuesday 25th February in St John's Church, Hook.


Welcome to the Bracknell Bridge League.

We have been running a teams-of-four Bridge league in the Bracknell, Wokingham, Crowthorne, Camberley and Yateley area for more than 50 years and currently have three divisions in the League as well as a knockout handicap/pivot competition. Since the start of the 21-22 season, we have been operating as a 'hybrid' league, where matches may be played either face-to-face or on-line, as agreed between opposing captains. New teams are welcome to join. Team members do not need to be EBU members or members of a local club to play in the league.  You do need a minimum of four players (preferably 5 or 6 to provide reserves), and a venue where you can host your face-to-face home matches. Entries for the 2024/25 season are now closed, but if you wish to register interest in entering a team in the 2025/26 season or just receive more information on the league then please contact

The New Season

The new season is now under way. We welcome three new teams to the league and the return of a second Yateley team after just one year’s absence. Sadly, we have to say goodbye to both Finchampstead and Bradshaws who, after having clocked up over 70 seasons between them in the league, have withdrawn. This means we have a 6-7-7 divisional structure for the 24-25 league season.

Basingstoke provide two of the new teams and the third, Dianthus, have close ties with the Woking club but will be playing as an independent team. In addition, the Ascot L team will be playing as Basingstoke A.

The fixture schedule for the new season is now on LMS; team captains are reminded that any changes to their schedule should be recorded in LMS.

In addition, the annual pivot/handicap knock-out cup will be running, with 12 teams competing. Both the draw and the handicaps for individual team members may be found on the website. If you wish to include any extra players in your team, please let David Pinder know and he will provide a handicap for the individual(s).

There have been a small number of changes to the rules for the new season. The most important relates to promotion/relegation which will only be finalised once the structure for the following season is known. This will provide more flexibility and enable a balanced structure to be maintained each season. The remainder are administrative in nature and relate to dates for entries etc.

All the best to teams for the new season and enjoy your matches.

19th May 2024

2023 / 2024 Season Summary

Div I – Loddon Vale
Div II – Ascot C
Div III –  Ascot D

Pivot Cup –  Ascot (Fairhurst) 
Pairs –  Jennie Corfield & Bruce Franklin

Division 1
Well done Loddon Vale (Marc, Clair, Mary, Reg, Simon, Anthony, Gordon, Stuart, Marcus & Giorgio) with a strong performance all season.  Ascot B finished well but not enough to catch their rivals

Division 2
Well done Ascot C (Michelle, Andy, Tony & Adrian) near perfect season with only 1 draw and 1 loss all season 

Division 3
Well done Ascot D (Marguerite, Bridget, Jerry, Phil & Chris) winning a close battle against Camberley C

Pivot Cup
Well done Ascot Lily, (John, Phil, Keith, Madeline).  A solid performance all season

EoSP Evening
Well done Jennie & Bruce, who won with 65.06%, followed by Pat & Phil with 59.38%

17th May 2024

End-of-Season Pairs

Well done Jenny Corfield and Bruce Franklin, who won with 65.1%, followed by Phil Steward and Pat Jones with 59.4%. Full details of the results, hands etc may be found here.

Thanks to the two 'Daves' for directing/scoring and all pairs who entered. Apologies for the  '70's' style evening (no bidding boxes!!) and hope you enjoyed the event.

Results and Match Schedule (2024/25 Season)

Division 1

Division 2

Division 3


Pivot Draw & Results 24-25


Submit Pivot Result

BBL EoS Pairs
Director: Dave Green
BBL EoS Pairs
Director: Dave Green
Director: Keith Sheppard