Please note the AGM will take place on Wednesday 26th March 2025 at 6.30 pm at the Club. A short meeting will be followed by refreshments and a friendly game of bridge for those who wish to stay.
An agenda and a notice for nominations for Committee has been posted. Any additional items for the agenda must be sent to Pat in writing as soon as possible but no later than a week before the meeting. As you are aware the positions of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary are elected each year, and Sharon Debbie and Pat are prepared to continue. Dave has indicated he will not be standing again. Joan and Margaret will be seeking election as they were co-opted by the Committee in the Summer. Carole is prepared to seek re-election to the Committee as her 3 year tenure is up this year. Any other members interested in joining the Committee should add their names to the nomination list on the club noticeboard.
In the County Sims held recently, Chris and Margaret came fifth, with Dorothy and Debbie 8th and Theta and Eric 10th (excluding robots).
Well done to Joan, Marj and Clare who recently completed the arduous TD training course in Barrow. We are delighted to announce they all passed with distinction. Thank you for all the work you put in to achieve this result. We are so pleased that they have chosen to undertake this challenge and support the club in this way. Congratulations also to Marj for her promotion to Master.
Barrow Bridge Club |
Welcome to Barrow Bridge Club. We are a friendly club located in beautiful South Cumbria. It has often been said we are located at the end of a 30 mile cul-de-sac. Despite our remote location, we have embraced modern technology. We are a thriving club with approximately 70 members who range in ability.
If you are interested in learning to play, we hold lessons for those interested in taking up this wonderful game and we would love to hear from you.
We use Duplimated boards and Bridgemates scoring system for instant results at the end of the evenings play.
Visitors who can already play bridge are very welcome. If you wish to play, or if you need a partner to do so, please contact the club or secretary in advance and we will try to find one for you if at all possible. We would be delighted to enjoy a game with you.
We play in the Club on Monday and Thursday evenings at 7pm and Tuesday and Friday afternoons at 1.15pm. Please be in the club and seated by these times. We are located at 1A Drake Street Barrow in Furness LA14 5RG (Corner of Hartington Street and Drake Street).
We also play online three times a week on Monday and Friday at 1pm and Tuesday evenings at 7pm, register at least 30 minutes beforehand. We welcome new players who would like to join us online only.
Barrow Bridge Club is affiliated to the EBU ( and is a member of Cumbria County Bridge Association. (
For general enquiries about the club, email Alternatively, contact the club secretary, {Pat Palmer) at You could ring 01229-823347 but this is only available when the club is open.
If you are feeling unwell please think of others and stay at home.
Presidents Trophy – Friday 17 January – BBO (or merged if F2f played)
Duplicate Pairs, Highest Percentage Wins
(won by Joan and Marj, with Margaret and Dorothy second)
Colin Woods Trophy – Tuesday 11 March – Club
Duplicate Pairs. Everyone welcome but trophy awarded to the pair below the rank of District Master (<1000 mp)
Alex Brown Trophy (Imps) – Monday 14 April – Club
Event scored using the Butler method i.e.IMPS
W Thomson Individual – Tuesday 13 May – BBO
Individual Event. Highest score wins.
Meg Cater Shield – Thursday 10 July – Club
Duplicate Pairs, Highest Percentage Wins
J Borrell Handicap – Tuesday 12 August – Club
Pair with highest percentage wins. After handicaps’ have been applied
Anniversary Trophy – Thursday 11 September – Club
Duplicate Pairs. The pair with a combined MP total, below 25000, will win the trophy.
J Poole Trophy – Monday 13 October – Club
Draw for partner. Duplicate Pairs. Highest score wins.
Tony Aldred Pivot Teams – Wednesday 12 November Club
Teams Event. 4 in a team. Play 3 stanzas with each other member of your team. Scored in IMPS. Highest score wins
Xmas Handicap Trophy – Monday 15 December – Club
Pair with highest percentage wins. After handicaps’ have been applied
CHRISTMAS PARTY 15th December 2024 |
We had a great time at this year's Christmas Party. Great food, good company, games and quizzes.
A few photos to remember the day.
Thanks to Carole, Celia, Joan, Sharon and Clare for organising and thank you to everyone who helped clear up afterwards.
The raffle raised £181 which we rounded up to £200 and was donated that day to the homeless in Barrow.
A Festival of Bridge
From 9th - 16th September 2024 we joined with the EBU in supporting Cancer Research UK. As a club we raised an impressive £700. Thank you all for your contributions, generosity and involvement. EBU have already reached and exceeded their £60,000 target. It’s currently standing at over £100,000.
Our Open Day was well supported by members and we had a number of visitors who have expressed an interest in learning the game and joining us.
We celebrated the Club’s 80th Anniversary in style with a wonderful meal, table magician, quiz, music and dancing at Barrow Golf Club on Thursday 12th September. Special thanks to Carole, Celia and Clare for all their hard work organising this and thinking of every detail, and Marion and Gerry for the marvellous celebration cake they made.
For more information see the ebu’s website:
Bridge Lessons started again on Wednesday 18th September at 6.30 pm in the Club. Its not too late for more to join so if you know anyone please encourage them to come along.
All members are welcome to attend also, and there's always a chance to brush up on your skills.
The course of 30 lessons plus practice sessions will be £65 including the EBU handbook priced at £30.
Members attend for free.
Please contact Christine