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4th Jun 2024 12:58 BST


Annual subscription is now due!

Your £20 subscription is due from 1 September 2024. Please note a cheque payment is preferred. Write your name and the word SUBSCRIPTION on the back of the cheque and give to the treasurer or any member of the committee. Cash will be accepted in a  closed enveloped with your full name and the word SUBSCRIPTION on the front.

We look forward to another good year at Bangor Bridge Club!

1. The name of the club shall be "The Bangor Contract Bridge Club"
2. The Club shall provide facilities for playing Contract Bridge. The Club may arrange open competitions, provide suitable bridge courses and may arrange other social activities. It shall be affiliated to the Northern Ireland Bridge Union and may affiliate to other bridge organisations.
3. The Officers of the Club shall be: The President, Vice-President, Hon. Secretary, Chief Tournament Director, Hon. Treasurer and Master Points Secretary.
The committee shall comprise the Officers of the Club, the immediate Past President and two other members. A nomination for the office of Vice-President may be made by the President to the Annual General Meeting. Five members shall form a quorum.
4. The Committee shall have the power to:-
(i). conduct the affairs of the Club;
(ii). control and manage the finances of the Club;
(iii). elect new members who must be nominated by two existing members of at least one year's standing. Nominations shall be displayed on the notice board for fourteen days before being approved or otherwise by the Committee.
Nominations for life membership will be considered first by the Committee and then by the Annual General Meeting.
(iv). make regulations appropriate for the efficient conduct of the business of the Club.
(v). caution, suspend or expel a member whose conduct is deemed to be prejudicial to the interests of the Club. The member shall have recourse to the Appeal Procedure as set out in the Regulations.
(vi). fill, by co-option, any vacancy among the Officers and the Committee. Such co-opted Officers and Committee Members shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.
5. The Committee shall meet not less than four times a year.
6. Any member whose subscription is unpaid by 30th November in any year shall cease to be a member.
7. The financial year shall commence on September 1st each year.
8. The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall take place in the month of October each year. At least twenty-one days notice of the date, time and place of the meeting and the notices of motions shall be given. Notice of motions proposed and seconded must be submitted to the Secretary at least one month before the date of the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.  One third of the members shall form a quorum. An audited statement of accounts shall be given and a report presented on the Club's activities.
The meeting shall elect the Officers and Committee Members for a period of one year.
The Vice-President elected shall become President the following year.
An Honorary Auditor shall also be elected.
9. Voting at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting shall be by show of hands unless decided otherwise by the majority of those members present.
Proxy voting shall not be allowed. Decisions shall be by simple majority except as provided for in Articles 11 and 12 below.
10. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time by the Committee or on request by twenty percent of the members.
11. The Club may be dissolved only by a majority of two-thirds of the total members of the Club voting at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting. The net assets shall then be divided evenly among the members of at least three years standing.
12. The Constitution may be amended by a majority of two-thirds of those members voting at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.