Audlem Duplicate Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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19th Dec 2024 19:51 GMT
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Opportunities frequently occur for us, while playing the game we love, to meet members of other clubs and sometimes contribute to worthwhile charities. For such opportunities, log in to 'Local Bridge Drives' in the menu to see what is scheduled.



The name of the club shall be Audlem Duplicate Bridge Club.


The object of the club shall be to provide facilities for its members for the playing of duplicate bridge in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

3. The Headquarters of the club shall be situated at Audlem Public Hall.

4. The club will not be affiliated to the English Bridge Union or any other association.


Membership of the club shall be open to all who are comfortable playing duplicate bridge. There shall be an annual fee for membership that shall be fixed at the club Annual General Meeting (AGM).

6. At each club event the Director's decision is final.

7. Each member of the club and each guest and visitor shall pay table money on each occasion when playing at the club. The charge will be set by the committee at a level to cover running costs of the club and the amount may differ between members and visiting players.

8. Normal club committee meetings shall be held at the discretion of the committee and notice of such meetings shall be given at least 14 days before the date of the meeting. Should club members feel that a 'special' meeting is needed, the committee should hold such a meeting within 30 days of a receipt by the Secretary of a request in writing, supported by 10 members of the club, stating the purpose for which the meeting is required.

9. There shall be an AGM of members held in January each year. To pass any resolutions changing club rules will require 50% of the current membership to be in attendance and be achieved by voting, with a show of hands counting for and against, with at least a two-thirds majority.

10. The Secretary must receive resolutions for inclusion in the agenda for the AGM at least 2 weeks before the meeting. Such resolutions, which must be proposed and seconded by club members to be carried, require a two-thirds majority vote in favour via show of hands of those present.

11. A committee of at least 6 members, consisting of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and 3 other members shall be elected at the AGM. The committee will manage the affairs of the club. Nominations for officers and committee should be submitted to the Secretary 8 days prior to the AGM. Any vacancies can be filled by nomination at the AGM. The committee will appoint the club Directors who will advise on all bridge matters. To ensure the smooth running of the club, at any time between AGMs, committee members may be co-opted onto the committee as circumstances demand.

12. All money not needed for immediate expenditure shall be paid into a bank account in the name of the club. Withdrawals shall only be made against the signatures of two club members duly authorised by a General Meeting of the club. The Treasurer shall prepare an accurate record of the club's income and expenditure for each calendar year, and of the club's assets and liabilities on a cash basis at the end of each calendar year. These records shall be verified by an Independent Examiner and presented to a General meeting of the club for approval within 3 months of the end of the relevant calendar year.

13. In the event of the club voting to dissolve itself, or there failing to be a properly constituted committee, the playing equipment assets of the club shall be used for the playing of bridge elsewhere within the community. Any surplus funds, when all liabilities have been cleared, shall be donated to a charity or charities as decided by the remaining committee.

14. This constitution may be altered or revoked only by resolution of members. To pass any changes, changing the club constitution, will require 50% of the current membership to be in attendance and be achieved by voting, with a show of hands counting for and against, with at least a two-thirds majority.

15. The club cannot accept any liability for any loss, damage or injury incurred by a member or visitor to the club's premises, including premises hired by the club, whether arising from negligence or any other cause.




1. All members shall play in a courteous and friendly manner at all times.

2. The appointed Director shall have sole charge of the proceedings and his/her decisions shall be final.

3. Table money must be paid prior to play.

4. All players shall use bidding boxes to minimise noise.

5. North shall be responsible for marking scores on travellers and East shall be responsible for verifying the scores.

6. All mobile devices shall be switched off or kept in silent mode.

7. All members shall be responsible for ensuring that the premises are left in a clean and tidy condition.