Release 2.19r

On line with Real Bridge and BBO Thursday

Assistance available if you are a newcomer to online bridge

FUN BRIDGE... Monday 2pm Trafalgar



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Welcome to the Arran Bridge Club web site.
  About The Club

  Welcome members and friends  

Arran Bridge club Thursday Pairs

Every Thursday evening at 7pm. (please log on at 6.45pm or before through our player link on the right of this page.)

If you would like a fun game and have a partner, or you would like to join us and need a partner, phone me on 01770700396 and I will do my upmost to help.

There is no need to join the club, just come along and play.

BBO games are available for all and dates and times are on the SBU North Ayrshire web page.

Also available, Bridge lessons, restart in September, check back for details.

Access via the realbridge box on the right hand side of this page. Click on the green link. Phone 01770 600835 or 01770 700396 for more information.


    Fun and Pals Bridge

Did you always want to play bridge?

Monday Afternoons from 15th April 2pm-4pm. Individual bridge.. meet up with our players and enjoy stress free Bridge, no partner required. 

Perhaps you are interested but have never seen a bridge game...come along and watch, all welcome.

♠   ♣ Come along to Trafalgar, Whiting Bay, play, watch, learn...all interested parties welcome.♠   ♣ 

Phone Gege for more information or just turn up.


There are also 2 lounges running on realbridge during the week, Tuesday and Friday evening

You can have a table with your pals and play 20 boards

These are private games where you can chat with your friends face to face online while enjoying bridge.

Please let Gege know if you would like to have a table.




  Do you need a partner?

If you would like to play at any of the Arran Bridge Club events and don't have a partner, please ring Tricia Martin on 01770 600835 or Gege Kroner on 01770 700396 and they will try to find one for you.  

Arran Bridge Club Pairs
Director: Gege
Arran Bridge Club Pairs
Director: Gege
Arran Bridge Club Pairs
Director: Tom Kelly
Arran Bridge Club Pairs
Director: Gege