The Alpha Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Currently only Friday sessions are being held.
This situation will continue to pertain until further notice.
Club Constitution




ABC Club Constitution

CONSTITUTION (as of November 2010)


  1. The Club shall be called the Alpha Bridge Club.
  2. The object of the Club is to provide a meeting point and facilities for persons wishing to play duplicate and other contract bridge in accordance with nationally agreed rules and principles.
  3. The Club shall be based at the Gorleston Conservative Club in accordance with the Conservative Club's requirements or at any other venue considered suitable by the Management Committee. Bridge shall normally be played on Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoons when there are sufficient members present. Bridge under the auspices of the Club at any other time must be approved by the Management Committee.
  4. The Club is affiliated to the Norfolk Contract Bridge Association (NCBA) and the English Bridge Union (EBU) in accordance with the Universal Membership scheme. All members of the Club are individual members of the EBU and shall abide by its bye-laws.
  5. Membership shall be open to all bridge players who conform to the requirements of the venue. Members not conforming to the requirements of the venue may only play to a maximum of twice a month. A prospective new member may play for up to three sessions as a visitor. Any objections to a new member must be submitted in writing to the Secretary who will submit them to the Committee. The Committee's decision on this matter is final. A new member shall receive a copy of the Constitution to which he/she agrees to be bound.
  6. The Annual General Committee Meeting shall be held in October, with the preferred date the 3rd Wednesday in October, to receive reports. Nominations are considered for the election of officers and a Management Committee for the next year. Officers of the previous year may stand. Two weeks written notice should be given for any matter not involving the Constitution to be raised at the AGM. Absent proposers and voters may present hand-sealed written wishes to be read at the meeting. A quorum shall be 15 members.
  7. The Officers of the Club shall be the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Bridge Director. The Management Committee shall consist of the Officers together with not more than three other members. Any four shall form a quorum. The Management Committee may invite any person with expertise to attend a Committee meeting.
  8. The business of the Club shall be controlled and conducted by the Management Committee which shall, at its discretion, deal with any matter arising not covered by this Constitution.
  9. The Management Committee shall invite an approved Bridge Director to be responsible for the organization of play. The Director should be asked to deal with any matter arising in play and his/her decision at any bridge session is final.
  10. The Committee may select one of its members for the post of County Representative on the EBU Regional Club Committee. The name of the member should be sent in writing or by e-mail to the Secretary of the NCBA to arrive prior to the commencement of the County Annual General Meeting.
  11. Each member of the Club shall be required to conform to the standard of fair play, courtesy and personal deportment prescribed in the Bye Laws and regulations of the EBU. Should the behaviour of any member of the Club not conform to these standards then that member will be asked to amend his/her behaviour or withdraw by the Bridge Director present at that time or by any member of the Management Committee until the disagreement has been settled. Any incident must be reported to the Club Secretary in writing who will report it to the Management Committee. The Management Committee will decide on the action to be taken, if any, after consulting with the member involved in accordance with EBU's Schedule of Disciplinary Procedures.
  12. Any alteration to the Constitution must be made at the Annual General Meeting or at a special General Meeting of the Club convened by the Committee or requested by a member or members in writing giving 14 days notice stating the reason and containing the signatures of at least ten of the current members. An announcement on the Club's website and at all three bridge sessions shall be deemed as sufficient notice to all members.
  13. The financial year of the Club shall be from 1 October to 30 September. Prior to the Annual General Meeting the outgoing Treasurer shall submit the Annual Accounts to the Management Committee with a recommendation as to the level of subscription for the following year and also the amount of table money members should pay to cover the costs of each session's play. If approved by the Management Committee, the Treasurer will present these amounts to the members at the Annual General Meeting for approval. The Management Committee may at any time determine variations in these fees due to changes in circumstances and in the fees for guests and visitors. The membership fee falls due on 1 November and paid up members will receive a receipt.
  14. In the event of the cessation of the Club, all monies remaining will be donated to a local charity decided by majority decision of the Club members.          


Club Constitution