All Saints' Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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General Health


Feeling unwell - have a cold\Flu?

Please be considerate to all members and stay away until recovered !! 


Use Lateral Flow Tests in case it is more than a cold !!


Scorer: Don Culver
Scorer: Joyce Peel
Welcome to All Saints' Bridge Club

 We are a friendly, independent bridge club in Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield.

(for precise location please see 'Information' in main menu).

Although not affiliated we follow EBU rules. New players are welcome.

    Contact Us     

(Risk Assessment and Revised Rules for playing).

Develop Your Bridge
Develop Your Bridge

 For those of you that wish to learn new conventions - and maybe, brush up on the old ones - Andrew Kambites (a well know International and national player) has kindly offered some of his notes. These cover a wide range of topics. Many are quite conventional some are not. So - something for everyone.

Check Useful Links

Real Bridge

Many players are raving about Real Bridge. This is online bridge with the added value of being able to see the other players,

If you wish to find out what it's all about click on the link ->> Real Bridge

Duplicate Bridge conventions

This club bases the play on the Laws of Duplicate Bridge (ACOL) as laid out by the E.B.U. We use the Simplified Rules of Duplicate Bridge as defined in the “Yellow Book”.  All unusual convention(s) should be alerted. Non-ACOL bids should also  be alerted.

It is desireable to have your own convention card.

The Rules of bridge were updated August 2017.

Playing Bridge Online

  Bridge Base Online  

If you would like to play online there are many free tournaments and an Acol Club (for friendly games). There are plenty of clubs to join  - including TEA Club, locally run and very friendly having four sessions throughout the week.

A purely Acol-based club with full information which can be looked up via  and is fully supported for all abilities   .


Assistance is always available.

Vu-Bridge is a fine website where you can practice your bidding and play to your hearts content. There is no software to download.

So, whether you are a beginner or an advanced player there is always room for futher development of the bridge skills.

VUbridge Home Page 

 Above is the link to VU-Bridge.. Have fun !


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Need a partner? Please contact Jenny Trivett (Committee Member) in the first instance.

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