updated Jan. 31
Monday (SA) Feb. 3: 10:00am - 12:45pm: Easybridge II: How to open the bidding with less than 12 pts.
Tuesday (SC), Feb. 4: 10am Open Game
2:15am Easybridge! Day 4 of 4 FREE Classes: Open the Bidding
Wednesday (V), Feb. 5: Ice Cream Social
Thursday (Z), Feb. 6: 6:30pm - 8:00pm Beginning Workshop online starts with Liang Fan
Friday (SA), Feb. 7: 10am Open/499r/299r (next week: Valentines Day Potluck)
One week ahead:
Monday (SA) Feb. 10: 10:00am - 12:45pm: Start of Easybridge II: Bullseye Bidding (Game 4)
Tuesday (SC), Feb. 11: 10am Open Game
2:15am Easybridge! Day 2 of 4 FREE Classes
Wednesday (V), Feb. 12: Open Game
Thursday (Z), Feb. 13: 6:30pm - 8:15pm Beginning Workshop online with Liang Fan
Friday (SA), Feb. 14: 10am Valentines Day Potluck Open/499r/299r
SA = St. Andrews Church: 301 Avenue D Redondo Beach SC = St.Cross Church 1818 Monterey Blvd. Hermosa Beach V = Veterans Park Senior Center 309 Esplanade Redondo Beach Z = Zoom
Our next bridge cruise is to New Zealand April 5, 2025 on the Celebrity Edge. Round Trip to Sydney, Australia. We sail around both the southern and northern islands with six stops plus a day of cruise 3 sounds. See flyer in the special events section. Our new travel agent is Mui Roberts (760) 797-7866. 30 have booked. Ship is practically sold out. Join us for a fun trip!