Welcome to Acolites Bridge Club
Tipton St John.
We meet every Tuesday Afternoon from 1.30-5.30. Please be seated by 1.45 to allow the director and scorer to set the movement for the day.
We are conveniently placed for players from Ottery St Mary, Honiton and Sidmouth, as well as the many villages in this area.
We play duplicate bridge, and are affiliated to the EBU.
Visitors are always very welcome, but we would ask that if you are without a partner you contact us first so that we can try to arrange someone to partner you. You can contact us via. this website under "Contact us".
We use Bridgemates for scoring each week so that results are available instantly - also, we use pre-dealt hands so that hand records are available on the website.
The hands can be viewed by going to the RESULTS page, clicking on the date in question and then clicking on your own name. The deal of each hand will be displayed above the traveller. If you wish to see a record of all the deals go to 'scorecard' on the results page.