> Constitution of the ACES BRIDGE & CHESS CLUB
> Article 1 Name and Organisation
> The name of the organisation shall be "ACES BRIDGE and CHESS CLUB" herein also called "ACES" It shall be a non-profit organisation. Its
resources are
> constituted by members' annual subscripions, gifts, donations, and income from competitions, tournaments and other events organized by
ACES. Its funds shall
> used solely and exclusively in furtherance of it beneficient purposes and no part thereof shall inure to the benefit of any private
> Article 2 Purpose
> To promote and develop the sport of duplicate bridge. To support and encourage the promotion of sports ethics and fair play. To run a
bridge school to which
> all children and students in full time education will be entitled to free lessons.
> Article 3 Government
> The administration of ACES will be vested in a committee elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting. The members will elect a
President, a
> Secretary, a Treasurer plus up to two other committee members. The members of the elected committee will themselves choose a vice President
from amongst
> number.
> Article 4 Affiliation
> ACES will be affiliated to the Contract Bridge League of Thailand. The CBLT is in turn affiliated to the World Bridge Federation. (WBF)
> Article 5 Language.
> The official language of this constitution is English, but texts in other languages may be accepted by the committee.
> Article 6 Procedural matters.
> A simple majority is required for motions to be approved at both the AGM and at committee meetings. An extraordinary general meeting can
be called at the
> request of a minimum of 20 members. The committee shall be elected to office for a period of one year only. All outgoing officers are
eligible for re-
> Members should be given 14 days notice of the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary General Meeting that may be
called. Motions
> those meetings must be submitted to the President no later than seven days before the meeting. The AGM will normally be held each year between November and
January. The
> financial year will run from 1st October to 30 September.
> Article 7 No smoking policy
> ACES will enforce a no smoking policy at all club competitions and functions held at its registered address.
> Article 9 Membership
> Any person of any nationality may apply for membership and may be elected by the committee.
> Article 10 Powers and duties of the committee.
> (a) To fix subscriptions rates and table fees
> (b) To manage club funds and use those funds and assets for their lawful purposes in the interests of the membership.
> (c) To fix the dates, eligibility requirements and conditions for competitions, and to establish appropriate local rules and regulations
pertaining to bridge
> competitons as authorised by the WBF.
> (d) To suspend or terminate the membership of any person where appropriate.
> (e) To elect honorary officers and members.
> (f) To recommend any amendment to the constitution to the membership when they consider it appropriate.
> (g) To constitute sub-committees from time to time. These committees shall be vested with such powers as the committee see fit. The
members of such sub
> committtees to be appointed by the President and the appointmets to be confirmed by the senior committee
> (h) To keep accurate records of club finances.
> (i) To report to the members on any change of procedure that might affect those members.
> (j) To furnish a report on the club's performance and its assets and finances at the Annual General Meeting.
> Article 11 Amendments to constitution
Any changes to the constitution of the ACES BRIDGE and CHESS CLUB recommended by the Committee would have to be approved by the membership
and would require a
to thirds majority.
Article 12 Registered address
> The registered address of the ACES BRIDGE and CHESS CLUB is Moo 1, Maenam Village, Koh Samui, Surathani, 84330 Thailand.
Constitution of the ACES BRIDGE & CHESS CLUB Article 1 Name and Organisation The name of the organisation shall be "ACES BRIDGE and CHESS CLUB" herein also called "ACES" It shall be a non-profit organisation. Its resources are constituted by members' annual subscripions, gifts, donations, and income from competitions, tournaments and other events organized by ACES. Its funds shall be used solely and exclusively in furtherance of it beneficient purposes and no part thereof shall inure to the benefit of any private person. Article 2 Purpose To promote and develop the sport of duplicate bridge. To support and encourage the promotion of sports ethics and fair play. To run a bridge school to which all children and students in full time education will be entitled to free lessons. Article 3 Government The administration of ACES will be vested in a committee elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting. The members will elect a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer plus up to two other committee members. The members of the elected committee will themselves choose a vice President from amongst their number. Article 4 Affiliation ACES will be affiliated to the Contract Bridge League of Thailand. The CBLT is in turn affiliated to the World Bridge Federation. (WBF) Article 5 Language. The official language of this constitution is English, but texts in other languages may be accepted by the committee. Article 6 Procedural matters. A simple majority is required for motions to be approved at both the AGM and at committee meetings. An extraordinary general meeting can be called at the request of a minimum of 20 members. The committee shall be elected to office for a period of one year only. All outgoing officers are eligible for re-election. Members should be given 14 days notice of the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary General Meeting that may be called. Motions for those meetings must be submitted to the President no later than seven days before the meeting. The financial year will run from 1st October to 30 September. Article 7 No smoking policy ACES will enforce a no smoking policy at all club competitions and functions held at its registered address. Article 9 Membership Any person of any nationality may apply for membership and may be elected by the committee. Article 10 Powers and duties of the committee. (a) To fix subscriptions rates and table fees (b) To manage club funds and use those funds and assets for their lawful purposes in the interests of the membership. (c) To fix the dates, eligibility requirements and conditions for competitions, and to establish appropriate local rules and regulaions pertaining to bridge competitons as authorised by the WBF. (d) To suspend or terminate the membership of any person where appropriate. (e) To elect honorary officers and members. (f) To recommend any amendment to the constitution to the membership when they consider it appropriate. (g) To constitute sub-committees from time to time. These committees shall be vested with such powers as the committee see fit. The members of such sub committtees to be appointed by the President and the appointmets to be confirmed by the senior committee (h) To keep accurate records of club finances. (i) To report to the members on any change of procedure that might affect those members. (j) To furnish a report on the club's performance and its assets and finances at the Annual General Meeting. Article 11 Amendments to constitution Any changes to the constitution of the ACES BRIDGE and CHESS CLUB recommended by the Committee would have to be approved by the membership and would require a two thirds majority. Article 12 Registered address The registered address of the ACES BRIDGE and CHESS CLUB is Moo 1, Maenam Village, Koh Samui, Surathani, 84330 Thailand.