Baton Rouge Bridge Center
Release 2.19r
We the People - - -

Our Goal is to bring the

World's Greatest Game

to old or new friends

in a vibrant  social setting

that rewards skill and builds

 friend;y relationships,

tolerance and unity

- with love from our heart

and a smile on our face. 

Our  success is based  on  us.
Do us proud.
Welcome to. or thanks for being

 the B R Bridge Center

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Pages viewed in 2025
Tuesday Morning Pairs
Tuesday Evening Pair
Monday Afternoon Session
Run by District 10 ACBL and hosted bt Unit 182
  Daily Bulletins and Misc.


Tuesday Jan 08

Wednesday Jan 09

Thursday Jan 10

Friday Jan 11

Saturday Jan12

Sunday Jan 13

Monday Jan 14

If you didn't receive your Daily Bulletin by email. you can see it by clicking the day of interest. Bulletin.

It is assembled for Browser viewing by THE COMMONGAME

You may notice that some of the players picture open when the display device pointer is over the name.  We would like your picture to come up as well and you have a great opportunity to take one yourself or have a friend take one of you.

You can just email it to me, , with your name and most importantly - you acbl player number.  I will crop the picture to just a face shot , reduce it's pixel count for  web display, and forward it to the commongame in the library..  Do it today!   And put a message to me or to some one you direct it to by using the form found under this messsage.  This is a simple way to get a great picture of you posted for all your game wins and special awards like advancements in your player ranking. 

Our  photobooth  is by the north wall of the atrium where the games are played. near the river end.. You only need one picture and simple instructions are  posted on a sign board for your completion .  IT'S EASY, AND  YOU CAN VIEW AND APPROVE IT BEFORE SUBMITTING IT .

