We will be running further sessions of all standards (including complete beginners). Come to Learn and Play minibridge and bridge in new after school groups.
If you know any youngster or any school who wishes to play minibridge or bridge as an after school extra curricular activity please contact
douglaswright@3countiesbridge.com for more information.
All youngsters / pupils / students Years 5 - Year 13 are invited to attend an Online Play session on Thursdays 4.15pm to 6.15pm.
Please contact Richard Croot by completing the form
Once you have completed the form please click on the appropriate link.
We are delighted that you might be joining us on Thursdays
It is really important to arrive ontime. We need to get everyone seated, and look for gaps. Also, if anyone wants help with their camera and mic (which we would like you to keep on) then there will be time to help 
Please have this number handy if you need help with camera and microphone permissions.
Main number for contacting RealBridge +44 (0) 794 232 2209
Alternative number: +44 (0) 747 555 7651
Please only go to one of these! If you need guidance on what is most suitable, get in touch.
When you click that link, your browser will ask you to grant camera and microphone access (you need to say yes). If you have already played on RealBridge before, on that device and browser, you need do nothing.
Just put your first name rand first initial of last name in, and click Login. (no, you do not need to put the ID number in)
As explained, please try to come a bit earlier than the start time.
Latest School Club Newsletter click here
Youth Camp Flyers
Sample School Bridge pages:
Boxgrove Primary (tbc)
Tormead Prep Bridge Club