Penang Club Bridge Section
Release 2.19q
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8th Apr 2024 15:17 MYT
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Covid-19 Update

Bridge games at the Penang Club are once again being played face to face. Club members and non-members are all welcome to play. Contact Alan Orchard if you wish to join us.

When When

Every Friday morning at 09:00 a.m. prompt.

What What

We play Duplicate Bridge and use Bridgscore and BridgePal software to record scores. We generally use pre-dealt hands with hand records available once the results have been uploaded to to our website.

Results are displayed on the electronic scorers throughout the morning with full results in the club and on the website when play ends.  The website results page allows you to review each deal you played and compare your results with the rest of the field.

Where Where

We play in the Sunken Veranda room of the Penang Club. The address of the club is 42-B, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, George Town, 10050, Penang, Malaysia

Click here for a map to Penang Club Bridge Section
Click here for more details on The Penang Club.
Car Parking Car Parking

Parking outside the club is limited and has to be paid for. It is probably best to use Uber or Grab to get to and from the club unless you can get a lift from a member.

How Much How Much
Table Money (Members) - Free
Table Money (Visitors) - RM11 per person
Annual Subscription - None
Contact Contact

Alan Orchard - +60 1135366825"at"

Visitors Visitors

Visitors are always welcome (please read Important Information on home page for more details on booking and dress code). 

 Please arrive by 08:45 a.m

Refreshments Refreshments
Smoking Smoking

Smoking is not allowed in the venue.

Partners Partners

We do not run a host system and we ask those needing a parter to contact Alan Orchard.  Club members can book a partner in advance using the WhatsApp group.