Wodonga Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
Keeping Healthy

Providing a Safe, Healthy Bridge Environment.


* Regularly wash your hands with soap and water.

* Use hand sanitising solution regularly during play.

* If you are feeling unwell, please stay at home.


Welcome to Wodonga Bridge Club
Weekly Sessions

Wodonga Bridge Club weekly session 

Tuesday evenings: 6.30pm for 6.45pm start. 

See you there!

Important dates:

Lessons & Play

Saturday July 27 2024:  Jan Hackett will be running a session on Pre-emptive bidding

No Bridge Tuesday 3 September 2024







Session Times
Every Tuesday Evening
Wodonga Senior Citizens Centre
15 Havelock St, Wodonga
Table Fees $4.00
Non-member $6.00
Visitors most welcome
Contact: wodongabridgeclub@gmail.com
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Our Location
Our Location
Find a Partner

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Mary Prowse:  0401 132074

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