Winter Haven Bridge Club
Winter Haven Bridge Club Contact Information

1805 9th St. S.E.

Winter Haven, FL  33880

For more information regarding club activities or  our web site,

please call (863) 293-8785

or email us at


Directions to the Winter Haven Bridge Club:

From the South, take US 27 North to SR 540 (Cypress Gardens Blvd.)  From the North take US 27 South to SR 540.  Go West on SR 540 approximately 6 miles; turn left at 9th St. (at traffic light with McDonalds on the left).  Bridge Center is the first building on the right, behind McDonalds.

Release 2.19r

Cell phone policy

Please note a change in the cell phone policy per the WHBC Board.

Every time your phone makes a sound during a bridge game, you will be asked to donate a dollar to the club.  The $1 donation will be doubled every time the phone makes a sound for the rest of that day.

This includes cell phones in purses.  If you are expecting an emergency call, please advise the Director before the game, and arrangements will be made to answer the call.  Thank you for  your cooperation.


Zero tolerance
Game directors have been asked to remove all non-played boards from  tables if the opening lead is not on the table by the 4-minute warning.  This results in a no-play for the boards affected which does NOT impact your overall score.  Directors are also permitted to penalize slow players who are late more than two rounds during the game.  The penalty will be a quarter board penalty.  If you are held up by slow players in front of you, you will not be penalized.

Everyone can help speed up the game.  Some suggestions:

Before entering the contract onto your scoresheet or into the Bridgemate...

♣ Make the opening lead (face down)

♠ If you are dummy place your cards on the table

Refrain from discussing any of the hands until all the boards for that round have been played.

Claim or concede as soon as you are able.  Be sure to explain your plan of play when you claim.



Calling the Director

 "Director, PLEASE"

♠ Raise your hand until the Director sees you.

 The person who summoned the Director should explain the reason for the call.

♣ Other players at the table will be given the opportunity to provide input if needed.

It is not appropriate to argue with the Director - a polite question should always be addressed.  If you disagree with the Director's ruling the appropriate action is to accept the ruling as stated, then at the end of the game ask the Director to review the ruling with you.  If you still disagree (Directors are not infallible) then request that the Director review the ruling with the Club Manager.  If there is still a disagreement, the Director will refer the matter to the Mediation Committee.

And remember, the Directors are there to help when any irregularity occurs.  Don't hesitate to call, "Director, please,"


WHBC "Sit Out" Policy

When a sit out is necessary it is the club's policy to always have the sit out be North/South.

Please keep this in mind when you choose where you sit.


Everyone Plays

The WHBC policy is that everyone plays.  If you don't have a partner - come on in and you will.  Guaranteed!


The Winter Haven Bridge Club will make every reasonable effort to assure disabled members can participate in our bridge activities, consistent with ACBL policy.

Be Scent-sitive

Some people have an extreme sensitivity to fragrances (colognes or perfumes). Many ACBL clubs, units and districts have adopted policies that prohibit players from wearing fragrances.  Because duplicate bridge requires players to be in close proximity to each other, individuals who suffer from fragrance-related reactions cannot avoid those who are wearing them.  For these individuals, the issue is much more serious than simply disliking a particular smell — it’s a real health problem.


The ACBL asks everyone to give this issue the consideration it deserves. Please, if you’re going to play in a club or a tournament, don’t wear cologne, perfume or scented lotions.


Welcome to Winter Haven Bridge Club
Member Spotlight
Member Spotlight
Graham Littlehales and Jim Ford

Graham (standing) and Jim placed first overall in District 9’s STaC game on Friday afternoon June 27.  Their 75.52% game earned 15.68 silver points.   Both Graham and Jim live in the Lake Ashton community.

Graham was an insurance contract wordings underwriter for Lloyd’s of London.  He learned to play bridge in England in 2006 and played in a small club in East Sussex before moving to America in 2008.  He took up bridge again in 2021.  Graham is an avid pickle ball player.  

Jim was an actuary for an insurance company in Massachusetts.  He and his wife Linda moved to Bonita Springs FL in early 2004 and then to Lake Wales in 2007.  They have 3 children and 8 “wonderful” grandchildren.  Jim began playing duplicate bridge in the early ‘90s.  He played with Don Fuller in the Lake Ashton game, then the WHBC game, then tournaments.  He and Don became life masters at the same time.




July Birthdays






June 10 Fran Rae
July 14 Donna Thompson
July 30

Christine Malmgrer






If we have overlooked your birthday, please tell Sally so we can add you to our listing.  If we have missed your birthday, happy belated birthday.


Concerning birthday celebrations:

If you, your partner, or friends would like to celebrate your birthday at the club, you are welcome to bring a cake, treats, or whatever you would like to make it a party.  Please give Sally a heads-up.  We all look forward to celebrating your special day.


Club Championship

Club Championship

Dates to be determined.  Watch for updates.  




Our ACBL certified teacher will offer beginner and/or advanced classes if interest warrants.

If you are interested in bridge lessons, please call the club for information.

Common Game
Common Game

Our dealing machine only deals hands from the Common Game.

What is the Common Game?  The Common Game is a service offered through local clubs that provides bridge players the opportunity to compare their results with players at other clubs, playing the same hands, in Florida and across the country.*

What does it offer to clubs and players?

  • Players can compare their results with players in Florida and across the country
  • Pro analysis of many of the interesting hands played
  • Individual play analysis (if your club uses Bridgemates/BridgePads)
  • Prizes awarded monthly, quarterly, and annually for both performance and attendance
  • New contests coming soon

*Participating in the Common Game does not affect a player's score or masterpoint award at the local club.  The ACBL masterpoints continue to be scored and reported as always. Common Game awards are based on match-pointed results across the larger field.


Notes on the Common Game
Notes on the Common Game
As most of you are aware, all of our hand records for games come to us from The Common Game.  That enables players to compare their results with players across the world.  In addition, you get the benefit of Personal Play Analysis, if you are a member of ACBL, and Expert Analysis of selected hands, if you review The Common Game website. 
We frequently hear comments by players regarding the "stacking of the cards" or the "elimination of all of the 'normal' hands" by the hands generated from The Common Game.  It is against ACBL policy to meddle with random deals in any way.  Click on the link below if you would like any more details.
It is actually quite interesting ... very, very technical ... but interesting!  Guess when you have the option for 53,644,737,765,488,792,839,237,440,000 or 53 octillion different deals, there are going to be a lot of strange hands!

We will participate in a Sectional Tournament at Clubs (STaC) on Tuesday July 30 and Friday August 2.

Silver points  at the club!  
 $1 extra for tournament fee


The membership fee for 2024 is again $30, payable now at the club.

Consider becoming a lifetime member with a qualifying donation to our fund drive.  




Bulletin board
2024 Board of Directors

2024 board members of the Winter Haven Bridge Club are

Harvey Cohen, President

Jim Ford, Past President

Sandy Berg, Vice President

Sonny Robinson, Treasurer

Anne Bell, Secretary

Ann Caron

Club Masterpoint Leaders for June


Kevin Gervase  2.65  

Graham Littlehales  2.36  

Anne Lambdin  1.90  

Gerard Rescek  1.65

Richard Wang  1.65

Rank Changes

Congratulations to the WHBC players who have changed ranks recently. Please contact with your rank changes and they will be posted.

             Ron Kalisz, Life Master



















Name Badges for Sale

Name badges are available for purchase, ranging from $6.00-$13.00.

The order form is available at the club.


ACBL Live Results



You may also register at MYACBL to receive tournament results via email


30th July 2024
Stratified open pairs
Director: Sally Bonkoski
1st August 2024
Stratified Open Pairs
Director: Sally Bonkoski
2nd August 2024
Stratified open pairs
Director: Sally Bonkoski
Stratified open pairs
Director: Sally Bonkoski
Stratified open pairs
Director: Sally Bonkoski
Stratified open pairs
Director: Sally Bonkoski