Windsor Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Welcome to Windsor Bridge Club
Windsor Bridge Club Inc.
Windsor Bridge Club Inc.

Welcome to the Windsor Bridge Club Inc. where we invite you to play bridge in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

We are situated in Richmond where we play on Tuesday evenings commencing at 6.45 pm and Friday mornings at 09.45 am.

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to commencement of play to ensure a prompt start.

Visitors, new members and new players are always welcome.

Contact: John Courtman (Chairperson) 0409 205 003 or Mike Thompson (Secretary) 0409 009 530 for further information.

Venue: Richmond Neighbourhood Centre, 20 West Market Street, Richmond, NSW 2753.  (Opposite the Uniting Church).



Mission Statement
Mission Statement



We will operate in an open, friendly and transparent manner.

We will encourage participation and feedback from all members.

Good social behaviour and consideration for others is expected.

Committee members will be democratically elected and represent the view of our members.

On a Light Note
On a Light Note
Special Message
Another Message
19th July 2024
Richmond 9.45 am
23rd July 2024
Richmond 6.45
26th July 2024
Richmond 9.45 am
Scorer: Criss Dorahy
Scorer: Susan Fookes
Scorer: Criss Dorahy