Sorry Partner Podcasts

"Sorry Partner" Bridge Podcasts

SORRY, PARTNER is a hit podcast about bridge (the card game) and the worldwide community of bridge players. Combining laughter and learning, the program aims to connect with beginners and experts alike. More than 220 million people play bridge worldwide! If you're a bridge obsessive or just bridge-curious, welcome to the table

Masters of Bridge
Masters of Bridge

Top Percentages

1st Phil & Geoff   79%  
Nov 30th  2023

2nd David & Sue  71.1%  
May 25th 2023

3rd Frances & Jim B.  70.14%  
March 16th 2023

EBU Bridge Masters

Promotions May 2023-24

13 Star Regional Master
Sue John 
1 Star Premiere Master

Judith Williams 
Premiere Master

Wendy Williams 
2 Star Master

Jim Buckland 
Geoff Plowman
County Masters
Jane Ritchie
Ivan Greenslade 
District Masters
Olive Foss
Janet Meredith 
Annette McAvoy
Alan Millard
Angela Ingram
Betty Rawlings
 Club Masters
Heather Rogers
Sally Denham-Vaughan
Dee Staton
Local Masters
David Batchelor
Colin Lee

NGS Partnership Leaders

Phil Dickson & Geoff Plowman 
 J  57.11%

Owen Prior & Heather Peers
 J  56.91%

NGS Individual Leaders

Heather Peers  K  59.16%

Phil Dickson  Q  59.00%

Geoff Plowman  J  55.98%

To see your own scores please login to MyEBU on the EBU website 


Ray Bliss Cup 2024

Current Positions

1st Place: Phil Dixon & Geoff Plowman 61.14%

2nd Place: Frances Barker & Maureen Brinton 55.55%

3rd Place:  David Coles & Sue Douglas 52.60%

See the ongoing table of results on the Ray Bliss Cup Page under Competitions on the main menu.

Contact us

You can contact

Jim Barker

Tel:  01736 794134

Recent Updates
Home Page
17th Jul 2024 21:52 BST
Ray Bliss Cup Results
4th Jul 2024 23:04 BST
Sorry Partner Podcasts
15th Jun 2024 08:20 BST
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Release 2.19q
Welcome to St. Ives Bridge Club

Welcome to 

​​​​♣  ​​​​​​

St. Ives Bridge Club!

St Ives Bridge Club
St Ives Bridge Club

Come and Join Us!

 We play live duplicate bridge at St Johns Church Hall TR26 2JJ every Thursday starting at 6:30pm

If you wish to play please contact Jim Barker 

at or phone (01736 794134)


Members: £3 per session

Non Members: £4 per session

Membership: £5 per annum


If you need to find a partner for our Thursday Session

please contact Jim Barker

at or phone (01736 794134)


Opportunities for the Next Generation
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Opportunities for the Next Generation

Should we be worried about Bridge dying out?

While support for Chess continues to grow, Bridge seems to be suffering from a lack of sponsorship for upcoming generations. Arguably, if Bridge is not to die out in the near future, we need to get more young people interested in the complexities and challenges of the game. Below is a list of events and opportunities for getting a new generation interested in playing Bridge. ..........

..... see more
EBU: Is there Trouble at the Top?

 EBU: Is there Trouble at the Top?

Is there a crisis at the heart of the EBU?

If you were puzzled by Adrian Darnell,
the EBU Chairman calmly informing us that

the entire board of trustees of EBED have resigned
you are not alone.

What’s going on?

Here is an account of the mass resignations from EBED by Lee Guy, the ex-Chair:

EBU and its actions towards EBED

This follows a decision on 21st March by the

EBU Board regarding EBED

With a full

Response to the EBU decision 

from the former Trustees.

Meanwhile the rumblings of discontent from the membership…

Read why The EBU Board is in Trouble

in the April 2024 edition of the

Bridge Clubs Network newsletter

with updates in the May and June 2024 editions.

Peruse the Alternative Manifesto for the EBU by club organisers
Nicky Bainbridge and David Parry which proposes
reducing costs by £250,000, addressing the fall in membership,
widening the range of tournaments, and
increasing the involvement of all local groups.

Hear why some members think it’s time for change in
Reflections of a Sad Kibitzer”, 

catch up with some history in
Jean Whitlam’s “Note From Jean

or read the latest Time For Change (6th June) &
"Time For Change (19th June)" eblogs from David Parry


Carbis Bay Bridge Club

Carbis Bay Bridge Club

Carbis Bay Bridge Club meets weekly on a Monday afternoon from from 2pm – 5pm
We also hold one duplicate session a month (usually on the 4th Friday) at

The Memorial Hall, Trencrom Lane, Carbis Bay TR26 2TA.

We are a mixed ability group from complete beginners to seasoned hands with the more experienced players always ready to help those with less experience. We welcome complete beginners who want to learn the game but also improvers keen to advance their game. The club is very fortunate to have Jim Barker as our Bridge Tutor. Jim is a Professional member of the EBTA (English Bridge Teachers Association) and is also a Cornwall County Bridge Director and Secretary of St Ives Bridge Club.


To join us please contact Graham Kidson  (01736 762512or Jim Barker  (01736 794134)
or just turn up at the hall

Penwith Pairs


♠   ♣ 

Penwith Pairs Saturday Bridge

Carbis Bay and Penzance Improvers are jointly running Saturday afternoon duplicate sessions once a month on the second Saturday of each month.  These are open to all levels of duplicate players and include afternoon tea.

They are held at Leedstown Village Hall,

Leedstown, Hayle TR27 6DQ,

situated near the middle of Leedstown on the B3302.

Parking is available beside the hall.

The Hall is open from 1.30 pm  for a 2pm start. Table money is £5 per person including afternoon tea (cash only).  You need to register as a pair.   If you would like to play. then please email Jane Ritchie or phone her on 01736 711818

Penwith Pairs
Penwith Pairs
Director: Graham Kidson
Scorer: Liz Whittaker
St Ives Duplicate Pairs
Director: Jim Barker
Scorer: Betty Rawlings
Ray Bliss Cup
Director: Jim Barker
Scorer: Jim Denham-Vaughan
Thu 18th July 2024
St Ives Duplicate Pairs
St Johns Church Hall 6:30pm
Director: Phil Dickson
Host: Phil Dickson
Thu 25th July 2024
St Ives Duplicate Pairs
St Johns Church Hall 6:30pm
Director: Jim Barker
Scorer: Jim Barker
Host: Jim Barker
This Weeks Duplicate Pairs

St Ives Duplicate Pairs

Thursday 18th July 6.30

Contact Geoff Plowman if you want to play
(preferably with a partner)


Geoff P & Phil D

Betty R & Marita M

Pam D & Owen P

Dee S & Diana P

Carol T & Jim B

Jenny D & Diana S

Sue D & Liz S

Liz W & Graham K

Brenda R & Lesley P



Carbis Bay Duplicate Pairs

Carbis Bay Duplicate Pairs

Next on Friday 26th July 2024 1.15pm


Contact Graham Kidson if you want to play (preferably with a partner)

Penwith Pairs at Leedstown

Penwith Pairs Duplicate

Next on Saturday 13th July 2024


Contact Jane Ritchie if you want to play (preferably with a partner).