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2nd Jul 2024 10:19 BST
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Welcome to Southport Bridge Club
New Sign
New Sign

Smart new sign at the front of the club

Coventry Visit
Coventry Visit

SBC Members and visitors from Coventry Bridge Club, pictured after an enjoyable extra session held on 14th June.


Sundays are no longer hosted; instead we a using a WhatsApp group to help members find a partner. If you want to join the group please E Mail Neil Draper ( ot text him (07753 929446)



This takes place every Friday at 10.15 and is suitable for players of all standards.

It consists of 10 boards with discussion on play and bidding.


For more information please contact Sue FJORTOFT on 07712580456.


Thursday 9:45 at Southport Bridge Club

For those who feel the need for regular guided practice and a more concise bidding system

Lessons back to normal from and including Thursday 4th July

(members and non members welcome)



A relaxed session, maximum 18 boards, starts 10:00, no partner needed, A perfect way to ease yourself into face to face bridge and find a partner for other sessions. If you need help or more information please contact Sue Woodcock at




The Club Championship Pairs is to be held on first Tuesday of each month throughout the year. There are two Championship Events Tuesday A (Red Section) and Tuesday B (Blue). The best eight scores out of 12 to count.

The Inglis Trophy will also be held on a Wednesday Evening for our Student Members.


Lancs Online Pairs (LOP)
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The team managing LOP have deliberately set out to be as light touch as possible regarding regulatio ..........

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Championship Pairs
Championship Pairs

The winners of the Club's most prestigious event - the year long Championship Pairs 2023 were Sue Woodcock & Bill Carr (A section) and Rob Riding & Alan Leonard (B section). Pictured above receiving their trophies are, from left to right, Bill Carr, Sue Woodcock, Neil Kenyon (Tournament Director), Rob Riding and Alan Leonard. You can see the full results by clicking Results in the left hand menu and clicking Championship Pairs 2023 A or B as required.

Pickup Plate 30th April 2024
Pickup Plate 30th April 2024

Well done to Pickup Plate specialists Alan Leonard and Rob Riding for winning the Plate on 30th April. Who can stop their run of victories? The Next Pickup Plate will be held on 30th July.

Pictured being presented with the Plate are from left to right, Alan Leonard, Anne Lowe (Club Director) and Rob Riding.
For more information on the generous Pickups click Pickup Plate for information on SIMS scoring click SIMS Scoring.pdf

Wednesday Afternoon Pairs
Wednesday Evening Relaxed
Tuesday Evening Pairs Section B
21st July 2024
Sunday Afternoon Pairs
SBC 1400
22nd July 2024
Lancashire Online Pairs
22nd July 2024
Monday Morning Pairs
SBC 10:00
23rd July 2024
Tuesday Evening Pairs Section A
SBC 1915