CD Pairs |
Many congratulations to Scott Arbuthnott & Alan Kennedy, winners of the 2025 CD Pairs.
Change of Date for the CD Charity Pairs |
Please note that this event has been moved to Sunday 27th April. The SBU switched the dates of the ranked individuals to the 26th and did inform districts of this change, therefore, in order to avoid a clash with these popular competitions, we have moved the Charity Pairs back a day. Tickets and raffle tickets will be distributed shortly. If you care to donate a raffle prize, that would be greatly appreciated.
The cost of a ticket is £12.00 and this includes afternoon tea. The chosen charity for 2025 is Dundee Therapy Garden and you can find out more about their excellent work by clicking here.
Letter of Thanks from Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis |
Click on the title to read a letter of thanks received from Andy Bright, Community Fundraising Officer for Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis. In his letter Andy shares how our donation will be put to very good use.
Presentation to Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis |
Maureen Ward (centre) of Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis is pictured receiving a cheque for £1,150.00 from Dundee Bridge Club member Hazel Steele and her husband Alec. Central District's 2024 charity campaign was inspired by the inspirational story of Alec, who continued to play cricket despite requiring the use of a portable oxygen tank on the field. Bravo, Alec.
Team St Andrews Wins 2024 KAS Cup |
Congratulations to the winning team, captained by Howard Greenwell.
Russell French Winning Team |
Hats off to this year's winners, Jack Shearer, Damien Murray, Edan Gardner and Kevin Ren
KAS Cup 2025 |
Click on the title for details of the 2025 KAS Cup.
Please enter online using the form below.
Swiss Pairs |
Congratulations to Jim Mason and Eddie McGeough on their success in our Swiss Pairs tournament. Well played, gents!.
Success for Montrose in the FOB Photo Competition |
Huge congratulations to Montrose BC on their success in the FOB 'playing bridge in unusual locations' photo competition. This photo was taken at the Montrose Air Station..
As a bonus, click here to view one of the CD Chairman's favourite themed music videos. Spitfire, by Public Service Broadcasting. Ear buds recommended.
FOB Photo Competition Runners Up |
Dundee BC came a close second with this fine shot.
2024 Robertson Salver |
Congratulations to the winning team of Bob Hunter, Alison Carmichael, Cathy Ferguson and Bob McKinnon.
Dates for Your Diary |
2025 dates shown in the calendar with Dundee BC as the venue are provisional and are subject to approval by the board of DBC
The 2025 CD Congress will run at the Park in Montrose from Friday 15th - Sunday 17th August. In 2026 the planned dates are Friday 14th - Sunday 16th August.
Central District 2024 Nominated Charity: Congress Collection |
The CD committee like to thank those who gave so generously to our 2024 district charity appeal. A total of £167.40 was collected at the CD Congress in Montrose, meaning that £1,089.42 has been raised over the year. Click here to read the story of Alec Steele that inspired us to choose Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis as our 2024 nominated charity.
2024 Congress Pairs Winners |
Well played, Jim Mason & Eddie McGeough.
2024 Congress Teams Winners |
Congratulations Jim Hay, Derrick Peden, Lucia Barrett and Brian Spears
2024 Congress Bronze Pairs Winners |
Bravo, Valerie Lacey & Linda Conway, shown here with TD Lynn Goode.
CD Congress |
All available rooms in The Park are now taken, as is my overspill allocation in The Links. There is still ample room in the card room but new players will have to find their own accommodation.
CD League Div 2 Winners |
Congratulations to the Flannery Fanatics, winners of the CD League Division 2. Pictured here are Damien Murray, Edan Gardner, Sarah Williams and Matthew Robb. Other members of the team were Ray Gallacher, Jake Milne and Tom Perritt.
2024 Charity Pairs |
Many thanks to all who worked so hard to make the 2024 Charity Pairs a resounding success. Special mention must go to Alice, ably assisted by Liz, who coordinated everything associated with the raffle and ticket sales at Dundee Bridge Club. Thanks to all who bought tickets, made cash donations, or donated prizes for the raffle. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. £912.02 was raised in aid of Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis.
The three main raffle prizes winners were Lynn Fullerton - £100.00 cash, Janis Hughes - Dolphin Watch Excursion, Jackie Primrose - Family Portrait Photography Voucher. Other raffle winners who were not present on the day will be contacted to arrange the pick up/hand over of the prize.
Congratulations go to the winners of the Charity Pairs bridge event, Earl McGregor and Helen Wood.
Russell French Winners |
Congratulations to the all conquering team from Montrose BC of Matthew Robb, Wendy Collier, Emily Garden & Bill Ross.
Need a Partner or Teammates? |
If you would like to play in a CD event but don't have a partner or teammates, complete the contact us form which you can access via the information tab on the left hand menu. We may be able to help.
Entered Pairs/Teams Now On The Website |
The left hand menu has been altered. Click on CD Entries & Results, then the name of the event in question to see a note of the entries that have already been received. That might help you find partners or teammates who are available to play.
Charity Presentation to Eagles Wings Trust |
Pictured is Beth who accepted a cheque for £1,400 on behalf of Eagles Wings Trust. Thanks again to all who contributed and to those who worked tirelessly to raise funds for this very worthy cause.
Central District Charity Pairs |
Many thanks to all who supported the 2023 CD Charity Pairs by attending the event, buying and selling raffle tickets and donating a wonderful array of prizes. The event was played in a lovely spirit and an excellent afternoon tea from FreshJet certainly hit the spot. Thanks to all the organisers and helpers who ensured that all ran smoothly on the day with a particular shout out going to Alan, Chris & Lynne, Moira, Alice and Matthew. Once everything has been tallied up and expenses are paid, a total amount raised in this charity campaign will be posted here.
Bronze Pairs - Thea Teale Trophy. National Results |
Collated results for the Thea Teale will appear on ECats once results from participating districts have been uploaded. Click here to view the Ecats results page.
The CD heat results are shown under 'Results' on the right hand side of the homepage.
What Makes Bridge Brilliant? |
Click here to watch a video with a few suggested answers. Feel free to share this video on your social media platforms.
SBU Club on BBO |
The SBU is in the process of setting up a Pay Club on BBO.
If you are interested in playing in these online tournaments your BBO username, and no other personal data, needs to be pre-entered into BBO. Please provide your details using this form. This will enable the significant task of entering usernames to get head start.
In addition, you must also enter your BBO Username into the appropriate field in Mempad. Log in and then click on My Contacts > Edit. You will find the BBO Username field just below half way down. Remember to save once you have entered your information.
SBU News in Digital Format |
For the first time the SBU News has been made freely available in digital format. Click here to read the .pdf version. The SBU would be interested to hear your views on having this publication available in this format.
Bridge Supplies |
Copies of the 2017 publication The Laws of Duplicate Bridge are availble for purchase from either Joan Forsyth or Alan Kennedy. Cost £5.00.